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Assessment 3: Essay (35%) Due Date: Friday 11/08/2023 Word Count: 1500-1700 words The assessment will require you to research and review the welfare law and its application in practice for one of the following vulnerable client groups: • Mental health inpatients requiring protection of their human rights; • Children requiring protection from parental abuse; • People with a disability requiring protection from discrimination in the workplace; • Elderly requiring protection from financial abuse. Essay must include the following: • Analysis of the reasons why legal protection is needed; • Overview of the relevant principles of welfare law that underpin the legal protection; • Critique of the current application of the law for legal protection of your chosen vulnerable group. Essay must be based on a review of the literature and should include at least 8 current peer reviewed (scholarly) journal articles or book chapters. This is in addition to any textbook, websites or other references you use. You must use APA 7 Referencing. Assessment Criteria Analysis of literature on topic 20% Conclusions derived from analysis 20% Explanation of the relevant welfare law relating to the chosen group 25% Use and depth of research 20% Structure and presentation 10% Referencing 5%
Answered 5 days AfterAug 05, 2023

Answer To: i have attached my question in a word file

Ayan answered on Aug 10 2023
26 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Analysis of the Necessity for Legal Protection    3
Overview of Relevant Principles of Welfare Law    4
Critique of Current Application of the Law    7
Conclusion    9
References    10
    This essay examines the legal protection provided to children who require safeguarding from parental abuse. Child abuse is a serious problem that necessitates
strong legal action to protect children's safety and wellbeing. This report will examine the justifications for the need for legal protection, give a general outline of pertinent welfare law ideas, and assess how the law is now being used to protect children from parental abuse.
Analysis of the Necessity for Legal Protection
    The vulnerability and reliance of children on their caregivers underpins the requirement for legal protection for children needing protection from parental abuse (Yuliartini, 2021). Due to their age, children are innately reliant on adults for their security, upbringing, and care. Even though this power dynamic is crucial for their growth and development, it may also put them in danger, especially when caregivers don't do their jobs properly. The urgent need for legislative protections is highlighted by child abuse, which includes physical, emotional, and sexual abuse as well as neglect and exploitation.
    First off, youngsters are unable to successfully protect themselves from maltreatment. They are unable to flee or fight harmful circumstances on their own due to their inadequate physical and emotional development. Without legal protection, abusive parents or other caregivers can take advantage of this power disparity, harming the child's wellbeing permanently (Narindrani, 2021). Second, the effects of child maltreatment can be severe and long-lasting. Abuse of the body can result in harm, impairment, and even death. The self-esteem, interpersonal connections, and general mental health of the kid can all be negatively impacted by emotional abuse, which can cause long-term psychological damage. Sexual abuse damages children's sexual development, creates emotional scars, and increases their chance of developing mental health problems and abusing drugs.
    Thirdly, the consequences of child maltreatment don't cease with adolescence. Abused children are more prone to suffer with mental health problems as adolescents and adults and to have developmental delays and delinquent conduct. In addition to harming the people, this puts a strain on social services, healthcare systems, and society at large (Wismayanti et al., 2019). Additionally, the UNCRC and other international accords acknowledge that every child has inherent rights that should be upheld, which is why legal protection is necessary. These rights include the child's rights to existence, growth, safety, and participation. As a precaution, legal protection helps to guarantee that fundamental rights are preserved and respected. The fragility of children is made even more vulnerable by the fact that abuse frequently takes place inside the boundaries of the family, a place where kids should feel protected. Due to fear, shame, or allegiance to the abusive caregiver, this might make victims of abuse reluctant to report their mistreatment. Legal safeguards give concerned parties, such educators, medical experts, and neighbors, a way to intervene and report suspected abuse, ending the cycle of silence.
    The fragility and dependence of children, the severe and long-lasting effects of abuse, and the obligation to maintain children's basic rights all contribute to the need for legal protection for children needing protection from parental abuse. In order to address the power disparity between caregivers and children, establish a framework for intervention, and assure the safety, well-being, and healthy development of all children, legal safeguards are crucial.
Overview of Relevant Principles of Welfare Law
    The legal framework that supports the safeguarding of children from parental abuse is founded on a set of principles that are rooted in the recognition of children's rights, the best interests of the child, and the responsibility of the state to provide a secure environment for children's growth and...

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