BUSN20017 Effective Business Communication Term One 2018 Assessment Three: Individual Assessment SELF-REFLECTION ESSAY CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C | School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia...

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BUSN20017 Effective Business Communication Term One 2018 Assessment Three: Individual Assessment SELF-REFLECTION ESSAY CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C | School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia ǀ BUSN20017ǀ Assessment 3: Self-Reflection Essay | Term 1, 2018 | Page 1 | General Description: This assessment accounts for 40% of your final grade. The assessment is due in Week 12 on Monday, May 28th at 5.00 PM AEST The essay must be 3500 words in length Two points will be deducted for those essays that are over or under by 200 words. There is a late deduction of 2 points per day after the due date. The essay must conform to the APA style guide. There is a minimum of 25 references This assessment will be returned to you with feedback when the final marks for the unit are released. As this is an essay you must not use headings. You must use the diagnostics handed out in the tutorials. You will not receive credit for the use of any diagnostic not distributed during the tutorials this term. You will only be able to access the diagnostics handed out in the tutorials—this means that you must attend the tutorials. Task Description: The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in reflective practice, using a range of diagnostic tools and feedback, to identify two key areas of personal capability that can be addressed (improved) to increase their communication effectiveness. This assessment is aimed to assess your ability to demonstrate advanced knowledge in written communication and your skill to autonomously reflect about good practices in workplace communication. Through the process of self-reflection, you will be able to improve your communication competencies through your knowledge of and ability to perform contextually appropriate communicative behaviours. This assignment has three specific components. 1. Diagnosis and Reflection. 1500 words a) Using 5 diagnostic tools related to communication, you are to analyse your own communication style across various areas such as verbal communication, active listening, non- verbal, and assertiveness perception. You will be given the individual diagnostics during the tutorials. Your tutor/lecturer will check and sign-off that you have completed each individual diagnostic during the tutorials. This means that if you fail to attend some or any of tutorial you will not be able to receive and complete the diagnostics. The signed diagnostics must be submitted as a separate PDF file. b) You are to present the findings of the tools. The scores for each diagnostic must be included in your essay. In doing so you will show your understanding of the results as they apply to your personal situation. c) Based upon your analysis of the findings you are to identify two key communication issues that you have identified as requiring development. d) Reflect on two recent professional interactions that you have had within the past 12 months. Analyse these interactions from the perspective of the two key communication issues that are BUSN20017 Effective Business Communication Term One 2018 Assessment Three: Individual Assessment SELF-REFLECTION ESSAY CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C | School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia ǀ BUSN20017ǀ Assessment 3: Self-Reflection Essay | Term 1, 2018 | Page 2 | identified as requiring development. To what extent are these evident and support the need for personal communication development? 2. Literature review 1000 words You are to identify and explain the two issues from your diagnosis and reflection. You are to define the concepts, outline key models and or behaviours that need to be developed to demonstrate effective practice. This literature review needs to outline both the conceptual (theoretical) and behavioural (interpersonal) skills that you need to acquire to demonstrate competence in your chosen area of communication. 3. Action Plan 500 words: As a conclusion, you are to develop an action plan of key events and activities that you can undertake over the next 6 months to acquire the knowledge, skills, and behaviours identified as requiring development in component one. This can include the following: a) Undertaking specific short courses, to develop skills based on actual courses that are available. b) Undertaking advanced post-graduate communication courses at CQU or other institutions. c) A reading plan to acquire conceptual knowledge, which may include specific communication texts and self-help books which must be specified. d) Maintaining of personal journals reflecting on communication interactions. e) This section must include actionable items with timelines (such as a Gantt chart) and an indication of how you will measure their successful completion. BUSN20017 Effective Communication Self- Business Communication Diagnostic Tools, Term 1, 2018 Student Name: VIRALKUMAR BHIKHABHAI PATEL Lecturer/Tutor: GURCHARAN SINGH Self-Perceived Communication Competence Scale (SPCC) Directions: Below are twelve situations in which you might need to communicate. Peoples’ abilities to communicate effectively vary a lot, and sometimes the same person is more competent to communicate in one situation than in another. Please indicate how competent you believe you are to communicate in each of the situations described below. Indicate in the space provided at the left of each item your estimate of your competence. Presume 0 = completely incompetent and 100 = competent. 100 1. Present a talk to a group of strangers. 100 2. Talk with an acquaintance. 100 3. Talk in a large meeting of friends. 100 4. Talk in a small group of strangers. 100 5. Talk with a friend. 100 6. Talk in a large meeting of acquaintances. 100 7. Talk with a stranger. 100 8. Present a talk to a group of friends. 100 9. Talk in a small group of acquaintances. 100 10. Talk in a large meeting of strangers. 100 11. Talk in a small group of friends. CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia ǀ BUSN20017ǀ Self-Diagnostic Tools | 1 100 12. Present a talk to a group of acquaintances. Scoring: To compute the sub-scores, add the percentages for the items indicated and divide the total by the number indicated below. Public 1 + 8 + 12; divide by 3. = 100 Meeting 3 + 6 + 10; divide by 3. = 100 Group 4 + 9 + 11; divide by 3. = 100 Dyad 2 + 5 + 7; divide by 3. = 100 Stranger 1 + 4 + 7 + 10; divide by 4. = 100 Acquaintance 2 + 6 + 9 + 12; divide by 4. = 100 Friend 3 + 5 + 8 + 11; divide by 4. = 100 To compute the total SPCC score, add the sub scores for Stranger, Acquaintance, and Friend. Then, divide that total by 3. Public > 86 High SPCC < 51="" low="" spcc="" meeting=""> 85 High SPCC < 51="" low="" spcc="" group=""> 90 High SPCC < 61="" low="" spcc="" dyad=""> 93 High SPCC < 68="" low="" spcc="" stranger=""> 79 High SPCC < 31="" low="" spcc="" acquaintance=""> 92 High SPCC < 62="" low="" spcc="" friend=""> 99 High SPCC < 76="" low="" spcc="" total=""> 87 High SPCC < 59 low spcc higher spcc scores indicate higher self- perceived communication competence with basic communication contexts (public, meeting, group, dyad) and receivers (strangers, acquaintance, friend). source: mccroskey, j. c., & mccroskey, l. l. (1988). self-report as an approach to measuring communication competence. communication research reports, 5, 108-11. http://www.jamescmccroskey.com/me asures/communication_competence.ht m3. cricos provider code: 02219c school of business and law cquniversity australia ǀ nonverbal immediacy scale self report (nis-s) nonverbal immediacy are behaviours or cues that signal positive feelings towards another person. this is the most up-to-date measure of nonverbal immediacy as a self-report. alpha reliability estimates around .90 should be expected. this measure has more face validity than previous instruments because it has more and more diverse items. its predictive validity also is excellent. when using this instrument it is important to recognize that the difference in these self- reports between females and males is statistically significant and socially significant (that is, substantial variance in the scores on this instrument can be attributed to biological sex). whether these differences are "real" (that is, females may actually be more nonverbally immediate than males) or a function of social desirability (that is, females think they should be more immediate than males think they should be) or a function of actual behaviour has not yet been determined (as of september, 2003). directions: the following statements describe the ways some people behave while talking with or to others. please indicate in the space at the left of each item the degree to which you believe the statement applies to you. please use the following 5-point scale: 1 = never; 2 = rarely; 3 = occasionally; 4 = often; 5 = very often ___4__ 1. i use my hands and arms to gesture while talking to people. ___3__ 2. i touch others on the shoulder or arm while talking to them. ___2__ 3. i use a monotone or dull voice while talking to people. ___2__ 4. i look over or away from others while talking to them. ___1__ 5. i move away from others when they touch me while we are talking. ___4__ 6. i have a 59="" low="" spcc="" higher="" spcc="" scores="" indicate="" higher="" self-="" perceived="" communication="" competence="" with="" basic="" communication="" contexts="" (public,="" meeting,="" group,="" dyad)="" and="" receivers="" (strangers,="" acquaintance,="" friend).="" source:="" mccroskey,="" j.="" c.,="" &="" mccroskey,="" l.="" l.="" (1988).="" self-report="" as="" an="" approach="" to="" measuring="" communication="" competence.="" communication="" research="" reports,="" 5,="" 108-11.="" http://www.jamescmccroskey.com/me="" asures/communication_competence.ht="" m3.="" cricos="" provider="" code:="" 02219c="" school="" of="" business="" and="" law="" cquniversity="" australia="" ǀ="" nonverbal="" immediacy="" scale="" self="" report="" (nis-s)="" nonverbal="" immediacy="" are="" behaviours="" or="" cues="" that="" signal="" positive="" feelings="" towards="" another="" person.="" this="" is="" the="" most="" up-to-date="" measure="" of="" nonverbal="" immediacy="" as="" a="" self-report.="" alpha="" reliability="" estimates="" around="" .90="" should="" be="" expected.="" this="" measure="" has="" more="" face="" validity="" than="" previous="" instruments="" because="" it="" has="" more="" and="" more="" diverse="" items.="" its="" predictive="" validity="" also="" is="" excellent.="" when="" using="" this="" instrument="" it="" is="" important="" to="" recognize="" that="" the="" difference="" in="" these="" self-="" reports="" between="" females="" and="" males="" is="" statistically="" significant="" and="" socially="" significant="" (that="" is,="" substantial="" variance="" in="" the="" scores="" on="" this="" instrument="" can="" be="" attributed="" to="" biological="" sex).="" whether="" these="" differences="" are="" "real"="" (that="" is,="" females="" may="" actually="" be="" more="" nonverbally="" immediate="" than="" males)="" or="" a="" function="" of="" social="" desirability="" (that="" is,="" females="" think="" they="" should="" be="" more="" immediate="" than="" males="" think="" they="" should="" be)="" or="" a="" function="" of="" actual="" behaviour="" has="" not="" yet="" been="" determined="" (as="" of="" september,="" 2003).="" directions:="" the="" following="" statements="" describe="" the="" ways="" some="" people="" behave="" while="" talking="" with="" or="" to="" others.="" please="" indicate="" in="" the="" space="" at="" the="" left="" of="" each="" item="" the="" degree="" to="" which="" you="" believe="" the="" statement="" applies="" to="" you.="" please="" use="" the="" following="" 5-point="" scale:="" 1="Never;" 2="Rarely;" 3="Occasionally;" 4="Often;" 5="Very" often="" ___4__="" 1.="" i="" use="" my="" hands="" and="" arms="" to="" gesture="" while="" talking="" to="" people.="" ___3__="" 2.="" i="" touch="" others="" on="" the="" shoulder="" or="" arm="" while="" talking="" to="" them.="" ___2__="" 3.="" i="" use="" a="" monotone="" or="" dull="" voice="" while="" talking="" to="" people.="" ___2__="" 4.="" i="" look="" over="" or="" away="" from="" others="" while="" talking="" to="" them.="" ___1__="" 5.="" i="" move="" away="" from="" others="" when="" they="" touch="" me="" while="" we="" are="" talking.="" ___4__="" 6.="" i="" have="">
Answered Same DayApr 15, 2020

Answer To: BUSN20017 Effective Business Communication Term One 2018 Assessment Three: Individual Assessment...

Sundeep answered on May 26 2020
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Business Communication
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Communication is an important part in both personal and business life. Communication is an integral part of human nature and people need to interact with each other in order to understand each other and develop the contact and get the work done. Communication can be effective or ineffective, verbal or non-verbal and also can be via texts and emails. When we are in the school or the college we meet many people from different cultures and gel along with them. We understand or at least try to understand people and their culture and respect each other. Communication is required in order to understand the opposite person and develop the plan to achieve the co
mmon target if the person who is with you is in your team and you need to get the task completed.( Malyuga, E. N., & Tomalin, B. (2017))
Communication can create barriers in team and can also remove the barriers by efficient communication. Communication is one of the most important factors for being an efficient manager in the business, Managers have teams under them which need to be managed and national and international clients that need to be presented with the solutions to their problems. The team and the leadership of the organisation depend on the manager for guidance towards successful completion of the project. The manager has to be efficient in the communication with the stakeholders as they are the ones who would be financing the project and the requirements would be given by them. The following essay is a self-descriptive and a self-reflective essay for the communication strategies and the weakness in the communication that I have and how have I planned to overcome it
The essay below is a self-reflection about the communication skills that I possess as a student and the analysis is based on the output that I received by analysing my communication skills on the diagnostic tools. The 2 communication issues are hereby listed which needs some working in order to develop my interpersonal skills and relationships. The 2 most important communication skills issues that need to be addressed in my personal communication development are: Low tolerance for disagreement and getting nervous on the stage, i.e. the Stage fright. This essay consists of the literature review for the communication related issues that need to be addressed and focusses on the concepts and theories which are related to the communication issues. By self-analysis using these tools, I am better equipped to tackle my stage fright and the low agreement to disagreement which are two of my core issues. The activities are reflected in the action plan that I made in order to curb these issues.
5 different diagnostic tools have been utilised in order to understand the strengths and the weaknesses of my communication strategies. The first tool that I used is a self perceived Communication competence questionnaire. (Kernbach, S., Eppler, M. J., & Bresciani, S. (2015). )This test is an indicator that how people perceive and analyse their own competence when they are in a jix of communication and are in a situation surrounded by multiple receivers. The second tool to analyse the communication skills is the personal report of communication apprehension which is a tool to measure the individual behaviour and analysis of the individual by letting the individual to answer questions related to some communication situations and analysing the answers that the person gives if he/she were in that situation. The third tool I utilized was the personal report to analyse the level of anxiety in personal communication and public speaking which gives the levels of the public level anxiety in the public. The fourth important tool to analyse the communication skill was the tool to understand the listening capabilities. The tool was Willingness to listen diagnostic tool which explains the level of understanding and the orientation towards listening. The fifth important tool for communication skill understanding is the Tolerance for Disagreement tool which provides information about the disagreement and tolerance of conflicting ideas that one believe in and the other person doesn’t.
The communication tools are quite accurate while analysing the communication skills, preferences from them. I have worked on the results from the self-perceived communication competence test which show that I am the most comfortable when I am with my family and friends where the people are close to me and I have no glitch in talking about anything with them. I feel comfortable in having a 1-1 talk with the members of the closed circle. Public speaking and speaking at a session where 10 people are listening to me makes me feel scared. The result from the personal report for communication apprehension says that I have a little apprehension when the time arises to speak in public. The public speaking anxiety score is of somewhat high level which shows that I have public speaking anxiety and I feel nervous when giving a speech or talking in public and is accurate. The tool which analysed my willingness to listen provided me a score of 79 indicating a moderate to high level of willingness to listen to other people. The test for the tolerance of disagreement score put me at a moderate scale of 57.( Kernbach, S., Eppler, M. J., & Bresciani, S. (2015).)
I understand that the scores for public speaking anxiety and the tolerance for disagreement fell in the category of low to moderate, I need to make sure that the fears that I have related to public speaking should be overcome and I feel I need to work in the areas of communication and I guess by doing so it would be beneficial to my individual personality and business communication skills which would reduce my fear and anxiety of public speaking from moderate to low or even end it. Whenever we have a debate or a communication where the level of argument hits the roof, I try to state my point clearly and then understand the other’s point of view. But there are some times in which the other person isn’t ready to listen and this makes me feel that why should I listen and then analyse the arguments if the other party isn’t even ready to listen to my arguments. This gets me triggered and even I do not back down from the argument unless and until a third person comes and interrupts. There are some times when I have given up by understanding that the opposite party is correct and I need to understand the point of view of the person. I believe that an idea or an argument should be discussed and solved and not dodged. There are many people who prefer to dodge the arguments in order to avoid a conflict or avoid a fight in argument, I do not like such people, since they would let their idea or their comment or their fight to die down instead of fighting for it, just to avoid an argument. Ideas and arguments are new thoughts that develop and should be discussed among others and should be refined. The conflicts are crucial and unavoidable in the business context and especially in the decision making prospects and finding a right way in which the idea can be put forward, the developments that take place in a meeting is important and the final conclusions of the meeting all depend on the topics and the conversations that take place in the meeting. If a person drops his/her idea even before standing for it just to avoid the conflict, he/she is a pushover and they do not get much...

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