Communicate with influence

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Communicate with influence

Unit Code_AE_Pro_#of# Project assessment Criteria Unit code and name BSBCMM511 | Communicate with influence Qualification/Course code and name Code | Course name Student number Student name Assessment declaration Note: If you are an online student, you will be required to complete this declaration on the TAFE NSW online learning platform when you upload your assessment. This assessment is my original work and has not been: · plagiarised or copied from any source without providing due acknowledgement. · written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the Teacher/Assessor concerned. Student signature and date DRAFT DRAFT Document titleVersion 1.0Page 1 of 3 Disclaimer:  Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Please check to ensure this is the latest version. © 2011 Department of Education and Communities, TAFE NSW eLearning Hub | Version: 0.0 | Created: dd/mm/2011 Document title: BSBCMM511_AE_Pro_2of2Page 12 of 13 Resource ID: BSBCMM511_AE_Pro_2of2 Version:1.0 Date created:2 August 2018 Date modified:07/02/2024 For queries, please contact: SkillsPoint Technology and Business Services Location Building B, Level G, Corner Harris Street and Mary Ann Street, Ultimo NSW 2007 © 2021 TAFE NSW RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank The content in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2021 and should not be reproduced without the permission of TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at the time of printing: 7 February 2024. For current information please refer to our website or your Teacher/Assessor as appropriate. Document titleVersion 1.0Page 1 of 3 Disclaimer:  Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Please check to ensure this is the latest version. © 2011 Department of Education and Communities, TAFE NSW eLearning Hub | Version: 0.0 | Created: dd/mm/2011 Assessment instructions Table 1 - Assessment instructions Assessment details Instructions Assessment overview The aim of this assessment is to assess your skills and knowledge as would be required to: · plan for meetings and presentations to different audience groups · participate in and lead meetings · make presentations. Assessment event number 2 of 2 Instructions for this assessment This is a project-based assessment that assesses your knowledge and performance of the unit. This assessment is in 3 parts: · Part 1: Presenting a proposal · Part 2: Negotiating the proposal · Part 3: Assessment checklist And is supported by: · Appendices · Assessment feedback Note: This assessment may contain links to external resources. If a link does not work, copy and paste the URL directly into your browser. Submission instructions On completion of this assessment, you are required to submit it to your Teacher/Assessor for marking. Where possible, submission and upload of all required assessment files should be via the TAFE NSW online learning platform. It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment. What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result? To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment you must answer all the questions correctly. If a resit is required to achieve a satisfactory result it will be conducted at an agreed time after a suitable revision period. What do I need to provide? · TAFE NSW student account username and password. If you do not know your username and password, contact your campus or service centre on 131601. · Computer or other device with word processing software, collaboration tools and internet access. · Writing materials and stationery. · Tool for video recording, like phone or laptop. · Access to friends, family members or fellow students for scenario role play. What the Teacher/Assessor will provide · Access to this assessment and learning resources, including the student workbook and any supporting documents or links. · Realistic scenario. Due date Time allowed Location Refer to training schedule 6 hours (indicative only) Assessment is to be completed out of class. Assessment feedback, review or appeals In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment. If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher/Assessor or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student Administration Officer. Contact your Head Teacher/Assessor for the assessment appeals procedures at your college/campus. Specific task instructions You will be provided with an opportunity to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to present and communicate with influence in team meetings, address your audience, negotiate, and answer their questions. · You will be provided with a realistic scenario. · You will need to participate in two meetings. Meeting 1 is with internal team members where you will present a proposal. Meeting 2 is with external stakeholders where you will negotiate your proposal. · The meetings may be conducted in an online environment such as MS Teams or Skye with the teacher observing and completing the relevant observation checklist in real-time. Alternatively, the meetings may be conducted and recorded independently. Refer to the video assessment instructions in Appendix 4 to assist you with this process. · Each meeting can run for about 5 minutes, and should include about 3 stakeholders (internal and external). · A presentation or communication plan will be a key pre-requisite for conducting your meetings. · Note that your assessor may ask for additional evidence to verify the authenticity of your submission and confirm that the assessment task was completed by you. This may include oral questioning, comparison with in-class work samples, or observation. · The instructions and the criteria in the tasks and activities will be used by your Teacher/Assessor to determine if you have satisfactorily completed this assessment event. Use these instructions as a guide to ensure you demonstrate the required knowledge and skills. Part 1: Presenting a proposal to internal stakeholders 1A: Scenario You are the head of the events team at Gelos Enterprises. You have recently been briefed about a big Business-to-Business (B2B) Expo that is being held interstate in 12 weeks’ time. You have been informed that Gelos Enterprises would like to have a stand at the expo as it will provide them great visibility to potential new clients. It’s also a good opportunity to showcase new offerings to existing clients. As the head of events, you are responsible for planning the following key tasks related to the expo: · all logistics related to travel for staff members who will attend the expo · internal and external communication related to the expo · branding requirements · requirements around uniforms for staff members attending the expo as well as any organisational memorabilia for potential and existing clients. You have been given 2 weeks to come up with an initial proposal and establish a small internal team of 3 people to help complete your tasks. The CEO of Gelos has allocated a budget of $35,000 for completing your tasks. The three people on your team will assume the following roles: · Logistics Supervisor · Graphic Designer · Content Specialist 1B: Meeting instructions You are required to run a 5 minute meeting and presentation with your internal team of 3 people. Your task is to present a proposal to your team members outlining your thoughts and ideas about the following: · logistics, communication and branding requirements for the expo · expenditure and timelines · roles and responsibilities of each team member. During the meeting, you need to seek the input of each team member, answer queries, provide feedback and explore various options. For the purpose of this role-play, your team can be made up of your friends, family members or fellow students. Ensure that the people playing these roles have a clear understanding of the scenario, and what is expected of them. 1C: Before the meeting Planning is key! · Do preliminary research on the situation. You can create data to support your proposal and be prepared to anticipate any opposition from others. It’s important to identify the need for the meeting as well as expected outcomes. · Complete a presentation plan (you can create your own template or use the sample provided in Appendix 1) confirming your authority to present business views or position, identifying the best forum to present your proposal, clarifying the audience’s information needs, key issues and planning negotiation techniques. · Finalise your proposal/presentation. · Write an agenda (you can create your own template or use the sample provided in Appendix 2) for the short meeting, which includes a strategy to maximise participation and maintain order. 1D: During the meeting · Use appropriate interpersonal skills and professional language whilst respecting the principles of cross-cultural communication needs. · Lead the meeting well using effective negotiation, collaboration, presentation, and communication skills, taking into account varying needs, strengths and differences of the participants. · Keep the lines of communication open and respect the value, concerns and views of others. · Demonstrate that you have planned the content effectively for the allocated time frame. · Use active listening skills and seek clarification from meeting participants to acknowledge differences of opinions in order to achieve a balanced exchange of views. · Keep the meeting focused on key issues. Agree to outcomes in the available time, and also clearly establish the areas of compromise. 1E: After the meeting · Summarise the outcomes of the meeting and agreed actions, respecting the confidentiality of others in the minutes (you can create your own template or use the sample provided in Appendix 3). · Finalise your proposal based on the discussions you had in the meeting. 1F: Key documentation By this stage, you should have the following documentation ready: · a copy of the presentation plan · a copy of the support material such as the proposal/presentation · a copy of the agenda · a summary of the meeting outcomes. Part 2: Negotiating the proposal with external stakeholders 2A: Scenario Well done, after much discussion with your team, you have a final proposal. You are now ready to take the final proposal to the senior leadership team at Gelos for their approval. To go ahead with the thoughts and actions finalised in your internal meeting, you need the approval of the following stakeholders: · CEO · Managing Director · Chief Strategy Officer You will need to use your negotiation skills to present your proposal to the leadership team, and also anticipate and prepare for questions, queries and opposition that may arise during the meeting. Once you've set the scene, identify the various fictional characters involved in the scenario. Ensure that the people you have engaged to participate in this role-play are briefed on the scenario and what they are there to represent. Participants should use their imagination to provide input. 2B: Before the meeting · Reflect on outcomes when you initially presented the proposal to your team. · Use the presentation plan template to plan for your meeting. · Write an agenda for the meeting, which includes a strategy to maximise participation and maintain order. 2C: During the meeting · Seek feedback on your proposal/plan and provide an opportunity for participants to express their thoughts and feelings. · Encourage rigorous examination of all proposal options and be prepared to challenge competitive options and identifying the benefits of your proposal. · Lead the discussion to promote your goal and objective. You will need to demonstrate the use of effective negotiation, collaboration, presentation and communication skills, taking into account varying needs, as well as the strengths and differences of the participants. · Use active listening skills and seek clarification from meeting participants to acknowledge differences of opinions and achieve a balanced exchange of views. · Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in dealing with others by responding to questions openly and honestly. · Keep the meeting on track and focused on key issues and agreeing to outcomes in the available time whilst establishing areas of compromise. Remember that the end goal for this meeting is for the group to reach an agreement and decision on the final proposal. 2D: After the meeting · Summarise the outcomes of the meeting and the agreed actions, respecting the confidentiality of others in the minutes. · Write a follow-up email to the stakeholders to confirm the arrangements of the stand at the expo. The email must contain the following: · subject line · appropriate greeting · introduction · confirmation · conclusion · sign-off. 2E: Key documentation By this stage, you should have the following documentation ready: · a copy of the presentation plan · a copy of the final proposal · a copy of the agenda · a summary of the meeting outcomes · a follow-up email confirming the arrangements of the expo. Appendices Appendix 1: Meeting presentation plan Presentation title Presenter’s name Organisation represented Authority to represent Write a simple statement from an authorised person in the organisation you are representing giving you permission to represent the organisation in the presentation and enter into operational agreements Audience Identify audience characteristics and appropriate communication style Forum Identify the forum to best present your position Purpose of presentation Objective of negotiation Best possible outcome Presentation script Persuasive explanation of your proposal including supporting statements and facts with reliable information (include references and links where required) Questions to decision-makers Write two open-ended questions to the decision makers in the meeting which you will ask in the presentation to assist in your negotiation: 1. 2. Negotiation tactics Evaluation of the likely case and tactics of other stakeholders in the negotiation Fall-back position
Answered 4 days AfterFeb 23, 2024

Answer To: Communicate with influence

Shubham answered on Feb 27 2024
16 Votes
Part 1: Presenting a proposal to internal stakeholders
Meeting presentation plan
    Presentation Title
    Gelos Enterprises Expo Strategy
    Presenter’s Name
    ABC, Head of Events Team
    Organisation Represented
    Gelos Enterprises
    Authority to Represent
    Full authority on event planning and representation
    Expo attendees, potential and existing clients
-Business (B2B) Expo
    Purpose of Presentation
    Showcase Gelos' visibility and new offerings
    Objective of Negotiation
    Establishing new client connections and strengthen relationships with existing clients
    Presentation script
    [Slide 1: Title Slide]
· Good morning, everyone. I am Head of Events at Gelos Enterprises.
[Slide 2: Introduction]
· I am excited to share our strategy for the upcoming business-to-Business Expo.
[Slide 3: Expo Importance]
· The Expo presents unique opportunity for Gelos Enterprises to gain visibility among potential clients and showcase latest offerings to existing clients.
[Slide 4: Team Introduction]
· In the development of strategy, let me introduce dedicated team working behind the scenes. The Logistics Supervisor ensuring seamless travel, Graphic Designer craft compelling visuals and Content Specialist managing communication.
[Slide 5: Logistics Overview]
· The Logistics Supervisor is planning travel logistics for ensuring timely arrival of team and coordinating transportation of promotional materials.
[Slide 6: Communication Plan]
· The Content Specialist is developing comprehensive communication plan. We aim to keep internal team informed and engage audience through various channels including social media and direct outreach.
[Slide 7: Branding Strategy]
· Our Graphic Designer is working on cohesive branding strategy. The design will be eye-catching banners to professional business cards that aim to leave a lasting impression at the Expo.
[Slide 8: Uniforms and Memorabilia]
· We ensure that team presents unified front with thoughtfully designed uniforms. We will have organizational memorabilia for potential and existing clients.
[Slide 9: Budget Allocation]
· The budget is $35,000 to deliver a successful and impactful presence at the Expo.
[Slide 10: Q&A]
· I invite any questions or suggestions from team and stakeholders. Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to a successful Expo!
    Questions to decision-makers
    Write two open-ended questions to the decision makers in the meeting which you will ask in the presentation to assist in your negotiation:
    1. How do you envision our participation at Expo aligning with broader strategic goals of Gelos?
    2. What elements would you consider crucial for successful expo presence?
    Negotiation tactics
    Evaluation of the likely case and tactics of other stakeholders in the negotiation
    In evaluating case and tactics of other stakeholders, it is important to prioritize measurable return on investment. It aligns and focuses on potential of expo for client acquisition and showcasing new offerings would be crucial. The CEO may also value cost-effective approach for making efficient use of the allocated budget. It can help in understanding vision of CEO for Gelos brand representation. It also ensures that expo fits into broader corporate strategy that will be essential. This requires adopting a collaborative and results-driven approach in negotiation that will resonate with business objectives.
    Fall-back position
    The fall-back position involves prioritizing cost-effective solutions. If faced with budget constraints, the business will focus on essential travel logistics, streamlined branding and necessary memorabilia. This ensures presence at expo while adhering to financial limits. Flexibility in resource allocation will be key to deliver successful event in potential budget adjustments.
Meeting agenda
Meeting Title: Gelos Expo Strategy...

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