Lanina Howard XXXXXXXXXX:52pm Sep 9 at 1:52pm Academic writing has exponentially changed over time due to job market high demand for competent writing skills. Colleges and universities have borne the...

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Lanina Howard

1:52pm Sep 9 at 1:52pm

Academic writing has exponentially changed over time due to job market high demand for competent writing skills. Colleges and universities have borne the brutal critics of the society for failing to impart necessary writing skills among their graduates. In response to such backtracking comments, many academic associations such as the American psychological association, Chicago and Harvard universities have evidenced additional materials that graduates can use to positively impact their writing skills. In this paper, a personal reflection on what competent writing should entail is discussed. A subsequent question in graduate writing for further guidance is also addressed. Writing skills are far enriching elements of communication than ordinary degree certificates.

To begin with, I would like to learn more on the steps of Synthesizing Research. As it has been discussed by Ashford University (2019), it colloquially sums up to combining many literature ideas into a compressive interpretation. Although synthesizing research entails the incorporation of ideas, practically, I have had a hard time achieving or making a sensible synthesis of my research studies. I have always read articles in their best lengths and I have also always formulated better thesis statements and topic sentences. What I have never understood until I was told is creating coherence in my ideas. Very recently, my professor advised me on the ways of integrating facts and opinions to provide broadened view needed research interpretations. This is the reason why I would like to learn more about synthesizing research.

Most often than not, my colleagues have often told me that my writing, characteristic of their lexical approach, is great. With the word “great” all I have resorted to doing is finishing novel after novel and analysis of article for prompt papers. The contrasting feedback has often come from the instructors. In most cases, they have remarked that my work is less comprehensible based on my terminologies. Recently my professor told me that I have the material or content to write about, but only synthesis of material is left to bring out a well-written paper. In summary, for the fellow students and colleagues, my writing skills have been the best but for academic grading purposes, just as the professor said, there is room for improvement.

My concern and question at the same time is for the final dissertation or project that will be assigned. How integral is the analysis of secondary data to be used as primary sources of data in the course of methodology writing? Simply, can I analyze secondary data and use it as my final personal research for graduation accreditation? In most library stored dissertation documents, I have read individuals’ works whose dissertations only analyzed written works of other people. This is typical in graduate literature courses where authors and writers have embodied exposition of themes and ideological paradigms of other early writers. Is a good idea to heavily borrow from other writers works to support arguments of my graduate research paper and projects?

Writing skills, like learning a language, can be improved to competent standards. With efficient resources and the right mindset, individuals committed to the task can impart great efforts from advanced writers and instructors. Graduate-level writing through its instructional materials is of immaculate essence to undergraduate and graduate students. Most institutions of learning should strive for excellence in graduate writing. Students should also struggle for unimpeachable writing skills. From understanding the concepts of synthesizing research, writing skills become far enriching elements of communication than ordinary degrees certificates.


Ashford University. (2019). Understanding Graduate Level Writing. Retrieved from

Charity Renfroe

3:52pm Sep 9 at 3:52pm

Hi instructor and fellow peers,

As a doctoral student, I would like to learn more about step 1, “Graduate Writing Expectations.” I have a bad habit of writing in past tense while doing my assignments. The problem is while writing, I find myself typing in the same manner that talk in. On the bright side, resources the university offers such as Grammarly and The Writing Center brought this to my attention. Presenting well-written work in the doctoral program is essential, particularly in digital learning environments where most of all your thinking must be translated into text. However, the need to communicate thoughts that go beyond basic understandings is what makes writing at the graduate level more challenging (Johnson, 2013). Practice leads to perfection. Therefore, the more papers I write the better results I produce.

Feedback is essential for improvement and success. Ken Blanchard expresses in a quote, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” Hence breakfast is the most important meal of the day. My instructors at this university offer excellent, timely, and insightful feedback during discussions and after graded assignments. The intention of feedback should be to help and not hurt individuals.

A concern that I have about my graduate writing pertains more to my dissertation topic. As stated in a prior discussion, I am still on the fence about which area of workplace bullying I will like to elaborate on. Avoiding speaking in past tense is my biggest challenge regarding my writing.

I recommend all my peers to read this article entitled, “What are characteristics of graduate-level writing?” to further assist with becoming a gradual-level writer.

Everyone have a good day.


Johnson, L. (2013). What are characteristics of graduate-level writing? to an external site.).

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Answered Same DaySep 10, 2021

Answer To: Lanina Howard XXXXXXXXXX:52pm Sep 9 at 1:52pm Academic writing has exponentially changed over time...

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Hi Lanina,
I personally feel that the idea of the Synthesizing research, which has been incorporated in the passage, has been influential in increasing the ideas and for a better communicative interpretation. It has been really a commendable job on your part to read the articles and the books for the better synthesis. One thing which I should finally object to here is that not only the reading skills, you need to increase your writing skills which can expand the imagination levels which you are...

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