LP5 Final Paper WRITE a XXXXXXXXXXword final paper. You are free to choose from one of the topic areas below to focus your discussion: • The Legal Environment of International Business • International...

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LP5 Final Paper

WRITE a 1500-2000 word final paper. You are free to choose from one of the topic areas below to focus your discussion:
• The Legal Environment of International Business
• International Sales and Credit commercial transactions
• International Trade Law
• Regulation of International Commerce

The paper should provide an overview of one of the above topic areas with a discussion of laws, ideas and personally created examples provided by the student. Please note that long quotes, tables, charts, etc. should not be included in determining if you meet the page length requirement, follow APA conventions, and contain at least eight outside sources of which three must be from peer-reviewed or scholarly journals. In order to avoid plagiarism make sure to cite all of your sources and to give proper credit within the body of your paper.

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Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP5 Final Paper.” This assignment is worth 150 points; grading will be based on the General Writing Rubric, located under "Course Information."

Answered Same DayDec 11, 2019

Answer To: LP5 Final Paper WRITE a XXXXXXXXXXword final paper. You are free to choose from one of the topic...

David answered on Dec 24 2019
134 Votes
The Legal Environment of International Business
    The Legal Environment of International Business    2017
The world has seen rampant increase in the international trade in past two decades, though international business is not a thing as it has been practiced since time immemorial. The present day business has undergone lot of transformation and become more complex than the earl
ier times. Today the importance of international trade is more keenly felt in the international business due to increasing complexities. The impact of Globalization is so deep that the not just the goods but also the services are being offered across borders. With the increase in the world product there has been rampant increase in the financial markets. With the increase in the business transactions internationally the business operates under the set of legal rules which become the mandatory guidelines for the companies. The paper aims to focus on the international business and its scope, the factors affecting it, the laws pertaining to the international business and the examples from Japan and China.
International Business
The international business world is a complex concept which is generated by the international networks and is determined by the impact of modern technologies, mergers of the international networks and giant companies. International business includes the transaction of goods, services, trade, capital, technologies and knowledge at eth global level. This marketplace is a great opportunity for the expansion of the domestic enterprises as it gives them access to the customers worldwide. Since this is a place of profit it also entails lot of risk, the entrepreneurs have to look into lot of legal issues which are relevant to the business transactions. Before starting the business the entrepreneur has to understand the legal mechanism that can help in minimizing the risk entailed in the business (DiMatteo, 2017).
Scope and Difficulties of International Business
The international business as mentioned is done between two different states and it involves broadest and most generalized study in the field of business. The international business entails lot of risk and ambiguity some of the most variable parameters in the international business includes foreign exchange system, the legal system , cultural differences, difference in trade practices, rate of inflation etc (Jain, 2000). The international business therefore works under highly uncertain environment. The first step in formulating the business plan is to define the guiding principles of the business corporate the global market. The economy of the country is also to be studied in detail and the business is conducted on the basis of the outcome, for example: expensive goods cannot be sold in the countries with majority of low income group people as there would be no demand of such products in that particular region. The companies can start their venture in a country only if they get potential buyers.
The Public and the Private Companies
In the business environment cross-border transaction of goods and services take place between two or more than two countries. The private companies take get into international business for the purpose of profit while the government companies enter it for the purpose of profit as well as political reasons. There has been direct impact of the international interdependencies on the consumption pattern of the individuals, information technologies, fundamental rights etc (Miron, 2003). Due to all this there has been increase in the complexity of the international business environment and the factors that influence it, it also affects the ability of the experts who analyze the development occurring in this area. The experts therefore have to use their dexterity in decision making as their ability forms the basis of the future transactions.
There is intensified competition...

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