MAT9004 Assignment 3 Due at the beginning of your support class in week 12. 1. Model fitting You have been given the task of describing the dependence of a system’s performance T (time in...

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MAT9004 Assignment 3 Due at the beginning of your support class in week 12. 1. Model fitting You have been given the task of describing the dependence of a system’s performance T (time in milliseconds) on a parameter p. The following data is available. p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 T (p) 248 129 91 79 74 78 85 98 110 125 144 166 188 215 241 . From the log-log plot you guess that the performance can be mod- elled by Tab(p) = ap 2 + b/p, where a, b are some constants. Now, you need to find such constants a, b that the model Tab fits the given data best. (a) Let R(a, b) denote the residual sum of squares between data points (p, T (p))p=1,...,15 [3] and the model Tab. Show that R(a, b) has unique stationary point (a0, b0). (b) Find the values of a0 and b0 rounded to nearest integers. [2] (c) Justify that the stationary point (a0, b0) is the global minimum of R(a, b). [4] You can use the following approximations: ∑15 p=1 p 4 ≈ 1.78 · 105, ∑15 p=1 p −2 ≈ 1.58,∑15 p=1 p 2T (p) ≈ 2.09 · 105, ∑15 p=1 p −1T (p) ≈ 512. 2. Skatepark design A new skatepark to be built in the area R = {(x, y) ∈ R2 : x2 + y2 < 1}. its design is described by a continuous function h(x, y) which corresponds to the elevation of the surface at point (x, y). there are certain requirements that the skatepark should satisfy: (i) h(x, y) = 0 for any point on the perimeter, i.e. for any (x, y) such that x2 + y2 = 1; (ii) the function h has exactly one local minimum and one local maximum in r; (iii) there are no other stationary points of h in r. (a) is it possible to find h satisfying just the requirements (ii) and (iii) which has the [4] form h(x, y) = ax2 + by2 + cxy + dx+ ey + f , where a, b, c, d, e, f are constants? (b) construct some suitable h(x, y) that (i), (ii), (iii) are satisfied. justify your answer. [5] hint: take h to be of the form h(x, y) = (x2 + y2 − 1)g(x, y) for some appropriate function g. for example, you can try g(x, y) = p(x)q(y) or something else. 3. lucky numbers a four-digit number is lucky if the sum of its first two digits equals the sum of the last two digits (note that all digits are from {0, 1, . . . , 9}, except the first one which is non-zero). (a) how many four-digit lucky numbers are there? [5] (b) how many four-digit lucky numbers do not contain repeating digits? for example, [3] the lucky number 1515 is not allowed. 4. analysis of medical data a deadly epidemic virus has spread over a city. scientists invented two drugs α and β to reduce the activity of the virus. they conducted the following test on a sample of infected people. the drug α was given to 70% of the sample and the drug β was given to 60% of the sample (everyone was given at least one drug, but some people used both drugs). the test results show that 60% of the sample managed to recover. from a survey conducted among the recovered people you know that 40% of them used the drug α only, 40% of them used the drug β only. (a) consider the uniform probability space where the sample space s is the set of people [4] participating in the test. let a,b ⊂ s correspond to people taking drugs α, β, respectively and let r ⊂ s correspond to recovered people. write the information given above in terms of probabilities (or conditional probabilities) of a,b, ā, b̄, c, their intersections and unions. (b) compute pr(c |a∩ b̄), pr(c |b ∩ ā), pr(c |a∩b). which immunisation strategy [3] (drug α, drug β or both drugs) do you suggest based on the results of the test? 5. random bushwalk a bushwalker starts a four-day hike from point (0, 0) (on the 2d plane). during the journey, he can either spend the whole day at the same point (a, b) or move to any of the neighbouring points: (a+ 1, b), (a− 1, b), (a, b+ 1), (a, b− 1). assume that every day he chooses one of these five options uniformly at random and independently of the past. (a) find the probability that the bushwalker returns to the starting point (0, 0) at the [4] end of the four-day hike. (b) let (x, y ) be the coordinates of the bushwalker after four days. compute e(x2+y 2). [3] (c) are x and y independent random variables? justify your answer. [2] 1}.="" its="" design="" is="" described="" by="" a="" continuous="" function="" h(x,="" y)="" which="" corresponds="" to="" the="" elevation="" of="" the="" surface="" at="" point="" (x,="" y).="" there="" are="" certain="" requirements="" that="" the="" skatepark="" should="" satisfy:="" (i)="" h(x,="" y)="0" for="" any="" point="" on="" the="" perimeter,="" i.e.="" for="" any="" (x,="" y)="" such="" that="" x2="" +="" y2="1;" (ii)="" the="" function="" h="" has="" exactly="" one="" local="" minimum="" and="" one="" local="" maximum="" in="" r;="" (iii)="" there="" are="" no="" other="" stationary="" points="" of="" h="" in="" r.="" (a)="" is="" it="" possible="" to="" find="" h="" satisfying="" just="" the="" requirements="" (ii)="" and="" (iii)="" which="" has="" the="" [4]="" form="" h(x,="" y)="ax2" +="" by2="" +="" cxy="" +="" dx+="" ey="" +="" f="" ,="" where="" a,="" b,="" c,="" d,="" e,="" f="" are="" constants?="" (b)="" construct="" some="" suitable="" h(x,="" y)="" that="" (i),="" (ii),="" (iii)="" are="" satisfied.="" justify="" your="" answer.="" [5]="" hint:="" take="" h="" to="" be="" of="" the="" form="" h(x,="" y)="(x2" +="" y2="" −="" 1)g(x,="" y)="" for="" some="" appropriate="" function="" g.="" for="" example,="" you="" can="" try="" g(x,="" y)="p(x)q(y)" or="" something="" else.="" 3.="" lucky="" numbers="" a="" four-digit="" number="" is="" lucky="" if="" the="" sum="" of="" its="" first="" two="" digits="" equals="" the="" sum="" of="" the="" last="" two="" digits="" (note="" that="" all="" digits="" are="" from="" {0,="" 1,="" .="" .="" .="" ,="" 9},="" except="" the="" first="" one="" which="" is="" non-zero).="" (a)="" how="" many="" four-digit="" lucky="" numbers="" are="" there?="" [5]="" (b)="" how="" many="" four-digit="" lucky="" numbers="" do="" not="" contain="" repeating="" digits?="" for="" example,="" [3]="" the="" lucky="" number="" 1515="" is="" not="" allowed.="" 4.="" analysis="" of="" medical="" data="" a="" deadly="" epidemic="" virus="" has="" spread="" over="" a="" city.="" scientists="" invented="" two="" drugs="" α="" and="" β="" to="" reduce="" the="" activity="" of="" the="" virus.="" they="" conducted="" the="" following="" test="" on="" a="" sample="" of="" infected="" people.="" the="" drug="" α="" was="" given="" to="" 70%="" of="" the="" sample="" and="" the="" drug="" β="" was="" given="" to="" 60%="" of="" the="" sample="" (everyone="" was="" given="" at="" least="" one="" drug,="" but="" some="" people="" used="" both="" drugs).="" the="" test="" results="" show="" that="" 60%="" of="" the="" sample="" managed="" to="" recover.="" from="" a="" survey="" conducted="" among="" the="" recovered="" people="" you="" know="" that="" 40%="" of="" them="" used="" the="" drug="" α="" only,="" 40%="" of="" them="" used="" the="" drug="" β="" only.="" (a)="" consider="" the="" uniform="" probability="" space="" where="" the="" sample="" space="" s="" is="" the="" set="" of="" people="" [4]="" participating="" in="" the="" test.="" let="" a,b="" ⊂="" s="" correspond="" to="" people="" taking="" drugs="" α,="" β,="" respectively="" and="" let="" r="" ⊂="" s="" correspond="" to="" recovered="" people.="" write="" the="" information="" given="" above="" in="" terms="" of="" probabilities="" (or="" conditional="" probabilities)="" of="" a,b,="" ā,="" b̄,="" c,="" their="" intersections="" and="" unions.="" (b)="" compute="" pr(c="" |a∩="" b̄),="" pr(c="" |b="" ∩="" ā),="" pr(c="" |a∩b).="" which="" immunisation="" strategy="" [3]="" (drug="" α,="" drug="" β="" or="" both="" drugs)="" do="" you="" suggest="" based="" on="" the="" results="" of="" the="" test?="" 5.="" random="" bushwalk="" a="" bushwalker="" starts="" a="" four-day="" hike="" from="" point="" (0,="" 0)="" (on="" the="" 2d="" plane).="" during="" the="" journey,="" he="" can="" either="" spend="" the="" whole="" day="" at="" the="" same="" point="" (a,="" b)="" or="" move="" to="" any="" of="" the="" neighbouring="" points:="" (a+="" 1,="" b),="" (a−="" 1,="" b),="" (a,="" b+="" 1),="" (a,="" b−="" 1).="" assume="" that="" every="" day="" he="" chooses="" one="" of="" these="" five="" options="" uniformly="" at="" random="" and="" independently="" of="" the="" past.="" (a)="" find="" the="" probability="" that="" the="" bushwalker="" returns="" to="" the="" starting="" point="" (0,="" 0)="" at="" the="" [4]="" end="" of="" the="" four-day="" hike.="" (b)="" let="" (x,="" y="" )="" be="" the="" coordinates="" of="" the="" bushwalker="" after="" four="" days.="" compute="" e(x2+y="" 2).="" [3]="" (c)="" are="" x="" and="" y="" independent="" random="" variables?="" justify="" your="" answer.="">
Answered Same DayOct 08, 2020MAT9004Monash University

Answer To: MAT9004 Assignment 3 Due at the beginning of your support class in week 12. 1. Model fitting You...

Shivagya answered on Oct 11 2020
141 Votes
3. Lucky numbers
A four-digit number is lucky if the sum of its first two digits equals the sum of the last two that digits (Note all digits are from f0; 1; : : : ; 9g, except the first one which is
(a) How many four-digit lucky numbers are there?
The four digit number can be written as
1000a + 100b + 10c + d
a+b = c+d
· Where a, b, c, d are unit digits
· Range of L.H.S/R.H.S. = [1,18]
    No. of Sol.
No.of Solutions for any value of L.H.S(n) = n*(n+1)
Total no. of solutions = ∑( n*(n+1))
Total no. of solutions = ∑[(1*2)+(2*3)……..(18*19)]
Total no. of solutions = 2280
There are total 2280 Lucky Number in the Universe
(b) How many four-digit lucky numbers do not contain repeating digits? For example, the lucky number 1515 is not allowed.
The four digit number can be written as
1000a + 100b + 10c + d
a+b = c+d
· Where a, b, c, d are unit digits
· Range of L.H.S/R.H.S. = [1,18]
· (a,b)≠(c,d)
No.of Solutions for any value of L.H.S(n) = n2
Total no. of solutions = ∑( n2)
Total no. of solutions = ∑[12+22+32+………….172+182]
             = ∑
Total no. of solutions = ∑
Total no. of solutions = ∑
    = 3(19)(37)
4. Analysis of medical data
A deadly epidemic virus has spread over a city. Scientists invented two drugs ‘a’ and ‘b’ to reduce the activity of the virus. They conducted the following test on a sample of infected people. The drug ‘a’ was given to...

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