Numeracy 2 (MAII3007) Coursework Portfolio Spring 2019 ( 08 Fall ) Student Name Student ID Tutor This is your Numeracy 2 e-portfolio which you must submit by Wednesday 24th April2019 via the Student...

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Numeracy 2 (MAII3007) Coursework Portfolio Spring 2019 ( 08 Fall ) Student Name Student ID Tutor This is your Numeracy 2 e-portfolio which you must submit by Wednesday 24th April2019 via the Student Portal. Please read this carefully This is your Numeracy 2 e-portfolio for the semester commencing April 2019 (Spring2019). Please save a copy on your computer and back it up regularly (e.g. by saving it on your computer/ in the cloud (e.g. Google Drive) / emailing it to yourself). You should print a working copy and bring it to all lectures and tutorials. However, at the end of the course, you will need to submit a completed electronic copy. Please read carefully the module handbook, the marking criteria and the grade descriptors. Academic Misconduct You are responsible for ensuring you understand the policy and regulations about academic misconduct. You must: · Complete this work alone except where required or allowed by this assignment briefing paper and ensure it has not been written or composed by or with the assistance of any other person. · Make sure all sentences or passages quoted from other people’s work in this assignment (with or without trivial changes) are in quotation marks, and are specifically acknowledged by reference to the author, work and page. The portfolio’s structure Section 1 - is worth 65% of the final mark and consists of 9questions. Section 2 - is an in-class task and is worth 15% of the final mark. Section 3 – is worth 20% of the final mark and consist of three tasks 1 Section 1 10questions 65 marks You are required to complete this section immediately after completing the class sessions related to each question. Answer all questions and show your workings and/or explain your results. Marks will be awarded for good presentation. You must show your workings. ( Week 1 and 2 – Powers and roots ) ( Example 1 a ) Pick whole numbers : a, b, c and d at random from the following range [20 - 3 5 ] and fill in the table. Number a 35 Number b 20 Number c 22 Number d 26 b) Simplify: = Step 1. Substitute letters with correct numbers from the table Step 2. Simplify created example ) QUESTION 1[12 marks] a) Pick whole numbers: a, b, c and dat random from the following range [2 - 25] and fill in the table. (1 mark) Tab.1. Number a Number b Number c Number d In parts b, c and d of question 1 substitute letters with chosen numbers from the Table 1,as it is shown in an example 1 and then answer questions. b) Writeas a single power of a. (4 marks) c) Simplify: (3 marks) d) Simplify:(4 marks) [TYPE YOUR ANSWER TO QUESTION 1 HERE] QUESTION 2 [4 marks] Which of these two numbers is bigger? a) 6 - 2 b) 5.6 x 10-2 To answer this question, you must compare both numbers. For this purpose, convert both numbers into decimals. [TYPE YOUR ANSWER TO QUESTION 2 HERE] ( Week 5 and 6 – Linear equations and inequalities ) QUESTION 3[7 marks] a) Solve the following equation: 8(2t – 4) = 3t – 6(3 marks) b) What are the integer values of x that satisfy the inequality –4 x < 1(1 mark) c) is the line: -6x = -y - 2 parallel to the line: 2y = 6x + 2?(3 marks) type your answer to question 3 here] question 4[5marks] which of the linear equations is presented by the graph above? (justify your answer) a. y = - 4x +2 b. y = 2x +0.5 c. y = 4x + 2 d. y = -4x – 0.5 type your answer to question 4 here] question 5[6 marks] a toy factory has received an order for 4500 plastic cars. currently the factory holds 1000 of the toys in stock. the daily manufacturing output is 250 toys. a) create the linear equation for this task. explain what the slope and y-intercept represent.(4 marks) b) calculate how long will take to fulfil this order? (2 marks) type your answer to question 5 here] ( week 7 – histogram ) question 6[8 marks] the data below represents the daily caloric intake of 30 women: 1500 1700 1850 2200 2500 2800 1600 1750 1900 2200 2600 2900 1600 1750 2000 2200 2600 3000 1600 1800 2000 2300 2650 3000 1700 1800 2150 2400 2800 3500 a) produce a tally of this data set. the tally must include 5 classes.(3 marks) b) draw a histogram of this data set.(4 marks) c) comment on the distribution of these data. (1 mark) type your answer to question 7 here] ( week 7 – scatter plot ) question 7 [11 marks] the scatter plot presents the correlation between distance from the city centre and the monthly rental price for 2 bedrooms flat. knowing that the line of the best fit crosses points (2, 1117) and (4.5, 799.5) calculate a rent price for a flat which is located 5.5 kilometres from the city centre. your calculation should include steps such as: a) calculate slope (m)(2 marks) b) calculate y – intercept (c)(2 marks) c) create the linear equation for the line of the best fit (y = mx + c)(2 marks) d) calculate a rent price for a flat which is located 5.5 kilometres from the city centre. (2 marks) e) what type of correlationis presented in this question. justify your answer. (3 marks) type your answer to question 8 here] ( week 8 – npv ) question 8[6 marks] the owner of a bakery is considering an investment project to purchase new kitchen equipment. the initial cost is £8,000. the annual cash inflows (income) are projected to be as follows: year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 £2200 £1900 £3900 £1700 after 4 years the equipment will be disposed of. the discount rate for this investment is 5% p.a., compounded annually. a) work out the net present value (npv) of this investment (5 marks) b) should the bakery proceed with this project? explain your reasoning. (1 mark) type your answer to question 2 here] ( week 8 – probability ) question 9[8 marks] a) there are 230 lottery tickets in a box. among all of them there are 60 winning tickets. how many winning tickets we have to add to the box to increase picking a winning ticket to 0.5? (2 marks) b)what is the probability of choosing a king from a 52 pack of cards? (1 marks) c) a box contains 4 red and 6 blue balls. two balls are taken at random without replacement. find the probability that both balls are the same colour.(5 marks) type your answer to question 10 here] section 2 in – class activity 15 marks this section covers in – class task. the task consists of 5 questions. student has 1 hour to answer all questions. the task is worth 15% of the final mark. you must complete the task in the class; screenshot and save the result’s sheet ready to be pasted on the portfolio. ensure the followings are visible before the screenshot: · your full names on the top right-hand corner of the screen · your test results · tutor’s signature · date paste here the screen shot of the answer sheet of the in – class task] section 3 20 marks task 1 [5 marks] this reflective log should develop as the course proceeds andmay be the last part to be completed. reflect honestly on your experiences throughout the semester. for this reason, you can use the skills audits to summarise all topic covered during ten weeks. in your reflection you must comment the following points: · which topics do you feel most confident about? (e.g. powers and roots, interest rates, npv etc.) · are there areas for improvement? (e.g. in probability, i need do practice more or research etc.)? · how would you evaluate your participation on the module? (e.g. contribution to classes, independent study etc.)? type your answer to task 1 here task 2 [5 marks] do lines y = 3x – 6 and y = 3x + 2 have an intersect point? justify your answer. type your answer to task 2 here] task 3 [10 marks] this section covers online quiz. you must complete and pass all three-relevant quiz/activities; screenshot and save the result’s screen ready to be pasted on the portfolio. ensure the followings are visible before the screenshot: · your full names on the top right-hand corner of the screen · your test result is any score from 40% to 100% [paste your screenshot for task 3 here] -202102-6 111.51.722.29999999999999982. [km] monthly rent [£] 1="" (1="" mark)="" c)="" is="" the="" line:="" -6x="-y" -="" 2="" parallel="" to="" the="" line:="" 2y="6x" +="" 2?="" (3="" marks)="" type="" your="" answer="" to="" question="" 3="" here]="" question="" 4="" [5marks]="" which="" of="" the="" linear="" equations="" is="" presented="" by="" the="" graph="" above?="" (justify="" your="" answer)="" a.="" y="-" 4x="" +2="" b.="" y="2x" +0.5="" c.="" y="4x" +="" 2="" d.="" y="-4x" –="" 0.5="" type="" your="" answer="" to="" question="" 4="" here]="" question="" 5="" [6="" marks]="" a="" toy="" factory="" has="" received="" an="" order="" for="" 4500="" plastic="" cars.="" currently="" the="" factory="" holds="" 1000="" of="" the="" toys="" in="" stock.="" the="" daily="" manufacturing="" output="" is="" 250="" toys.="" a)="" create="" the="" linear="" equation="" for="" this="" task.="" explain="" what="" the="" slope="" and="" y-intercept="" represent.(4="" marks)="" b)="" calculate="" how="" long="" will="" take="" to="" fulfil="" this="" order?="" (2="" marks)="" type="" your="" answer="" to="" question="" 5="" here]="" (="" week="" 7="" –="" histogram="" )="" question="" 6="" [8="" marks]="" the="" data="" below="" represents="" the="" daily="" caloric="" intake="" of="" 30="" women:="" 1500="" 1700="" 1850="" 2200="" 2500="" 2800="" 1600="" 1750="" 1900="" 2200="" 2600="" 2900="" 1600="" 1750="" 2000="" 2200="" 2600="" 3000="" 1600="" 1800="" 2000="" 2300="" 2650="" 3000="" 1700="" 1800="" 2150="" 2400="" 2800="" 3500="" a)="" produce="" a="" tally="" of="" this="" data="" set.="" the="" tally="" must="" include="" 5="" classes.(3="" marks)="" b)="" draw="" a="" histogram="" of="" this="" data="" set.="" (4="" marks)="" c)="" comment="" on="" the="" distribution="" of="" these="" data.="" (1="" mark)="" type="" your="" answer="" to="" question="" 7="" here]="" (="" week="" 7="" –="" scatter="" plot="" )="" question="" 7="" [11="" marks]="" the="" scatter="" plot="" presents="" the="" correlation="" between="" distance="" from="" the="" city="" centre="" and="" the="" monthly="" rental="" price="" for="" 2="" bedrooms="" flat.="" knowing="" that="" the="" line="" of="" the="" best="" fit="" crosses="" points="" (2,="" 1117)="" and="" (4.5,="" 799.5)="" calculate="" a="" rent="" price="" for="" a="" flat="" which="" is="" located="" 5.5="" kilometres="" from="" the="" city="" centre.="" your="" calculation="" should="" include="" steps="" such="" as:="" a)="" calculate="" slope="" (m)="" (2="" marks)="" b)="" calculate="" y="" –="" intercept="" (c)="" (2="" marks)="" c)="" create="" the="" linear="" equation="" for="" the="" line="" of="" the="" best="" fit="" (y="mx" +="" c)="" (2="" marks)="" d)="" calculate="" a="" rent="" price="" for="" a="" flat="" which="" is="" located="" 5.5="" kilometres="" from="" the="" city="" centre.="" (2="" marks)="" e)="" what="" type="" of="" correlationis="" presented="" in="" this="" question.="" justify="" your="" answer.="" (3="" marks)="" type="" your="" answer="" to="" question="" 8="" here]="" (="" week="" 8="" –="" npv="" )="" question="" 8="" [6="" marks]="" the="" owner="" of="" a="" bakery="" is="" considering="" an="" investment="" project="" to="" purchase="" new="" kitchen="" equipment.="" the="" initial="" cost="" is="" £8,000.="" the="" annual="" cash="" inflows="" (income)="" are="" projected="" to="" be="" as="" follows:="" year="" 1="" year="" 2="" year="" 3="" year="" 4="" £2200="" £1900="" £3900="" £1700="" after="" 4="" years="" the="" equipment="" will="" be="" disposed="" of.="" the="" discount="" rate="" for="" this="" investment="" is="" 5%="" p.a.,="" compounded="" annually.="" a)="" work="" out="" the="" net="" present="" value="" (npv)="" of="" this="" investment="" (5="" marks)="" b)="" should="" the="" bakery="" proceed="" with="" this="" project?="" explain="" your="" reasoning.="" (1="" mark)="" type="" your="" answer="" to="" question="" 2="" here]="" (="" week="" 8="" –="" probability="" )="" question="" 9="" [8="" marks]="" a)="" there="" are="" 230="" lottery="" tickets="" in="" a="" box.="" among="" all="" of="" them="" there="" are="" 60="" winning="" tickets.="" how="" many="" winning="" tickets="" we="" have="" to="" add="" to="" the="" box="" to="" increase="" picking="" a="" winning="" ticket="" to="" 0.5?="" (2="" marks)="" b)what="" is="" the="" probability="" of="" choosing="" a="" king="" from="" a="" 52="" pack="" of="" cards?="" (1="" marks)="" c)="" a="" box="" contains="" 4="" red="" and="" 6="" blue="" balls.="" two="" balls="" are="" taken="" at="" random="" without="" replacement.="" find="" the="" probability="" that="" both="" balls="" are="" the="" same="" colour.="" (5="" marks)="" type="" your="" answer="" to="" question="" 10="" here]="" section="" 2="" in="" –="" class="" activity="" 15="" marks="" this="" section="" covers="" in="" –="" class="" task.="" the="" task="" consists="" of="" 5="" questions.="" student="" has="" 1="" hour="" to="" answer="" all="" questions.="" the="" task="" is="" worth="" 15%="" of="" the="" final="" mark.="" you="" must="" complete="" the="" task="" in="" the="" class;="" screenshot="" and="" save="" the="" result’s="" sheet="" ready="" to="" be="" pasted="" on="" the="" portfolio.="" ensure="" the="" followings="" are="" visible="" before="" the="" screenshot:="" ·="" your="" full="" names="" on="" the="" top="" right-hand="" corner="" of="" the="" screen="" ·="" your="" test="" results="" ·="" tutor’s="" signature="" ·="" date="" paste="" here="" the="" screen="" shot="" of="" the="" answer="" sheet="" of="" the="" in="" –="" class="" task]="" section="" 3="" 20="" marks="" task="" 1="" [5="" marks]="" this="" reflective="" log="" should="" develop="" as="" the="" course="" proceeds="" andmay="" be="" the="" last="" part="" to="" be="" completed.="" reflect="" honestly="" on="" your="" experiences="" throughout="" the="" semester.="" for="" this="" reason,="" you="" can="" use="" the="" skills="" audits="" to="" summarise="" all="" topic="" covered="" during="" ten="" weeks.="" in="" your="" reflection="" you="" must="" comment="" the="" following="" points:="" ·="" which="" topics="" do="" you="" feel="" most="" confident="" about?="" (e.g.="" powers="" and="" roots,="" interest="" rates,="" npv="" etc.)="" ·="" are="" there="" areas="" for="" improvement?="" (e.g.="" in="" probability,="" i="" need="" do="" practice="" more="" or="" research="" etc.)?="" ·="" how="" would="" you="" evaluate="" your="" participation="" on="" the="" module?="" (e.g.="" contribution="" to="" classes,="" independent="" study="" etc.)?="" type="" your="" answer="" to="" task="" 1="" here="" task="" 2="" [5="" marks]="" do="" lines="" y="3x" –="" 6="" and="" y="3x" +="" 2="" have="" an="" intersect="" point?="" justify="" your="" answer.="" type="" your="" answer="" to="" task="" 2="" here]="" task="" 3="" [10="" marks]="" this="" section="" covers="" online="" quiz.="" you="" must="" complete="" and="" pass="" all="" three-relevant="" quiz/activities;="" screenshot="" and="" save="" the="" result’s="" screen="" ready="" to="" be="" pasted="" on="" the="" portfolio.="" ensure="" the="" followings="" are="" visible="" before="" the="" screenshot:="" ·="" your="" full="" names="" on="" the="" top="" right-hand="" corner="" of="" the="" screen="" ·="" your="" test="" result="" is="" any="" score="" from="" 40%="" to="" 100%="" [paste="" your="" screenshot="" for="" task="" 3="" here]="" -2="" 0="" 2="" 10="" 2="" -6="" 1="" 1="" 1.5="" 1.7="" 2="" 2.2999999999999998="" 2.4="" 2.5="" 2.9="" 3.5="" 3.9="" 4.0999999999999996="" 4.7="" 5="" 1200="" 1350="" 1160="" 1200="" 1150="" 1050="" 1000="" 980="" 990="" 910="" 920="" 830="" 790="" 760="" distance="" [km]="" monthly="" rent="">
Answered Same DayFeb 28, 2021

Answer To: Numeracy 2 (MAII3007) Coursework Portfolio Spring 2019 ( 08 Fall ) Student Name Student ID Tutor...

Soumi answered on Mar 08 2021
138 Votes
Scatter Diagram
    Distance    Price
    1    1390                SUMMARY OUTPUT                a)Y-intercept= 1387.59
    1    1210                        
     b)Slope =-131.65
    1.5    1190                Regression Statistics            c)Y=1387.59-131.65*X
    1.7    1200                Multiple R    0.9519862401        d)Rent Price        663.515
    2    1117                R Square    0.9062778013            e) A Linear negative correlation is presented in this equation.
    2.2    1090                Adjusted R...

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