Please do this case study on simulation using Excel or JMP. XXXXXXXXXXNote: For every month students can ask 3 questions. My first question Unifolks expert fail to answer because of having...

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Please do this case study on simulation using Excel or JMP. Note: For every month students can ask 3 questions. My first question Unifolks expert fail to answer because of having some issue but its counted.order id:121588

Case 02: The LeedSim factory is a traditional assembly facility working as a subcontractor to the telecommunications industry. Its main product is a specialized switchboard cabinet used in network base stations. The company has been successful on the sales side, and the orders are piling up. Unfortunately, the operations department has had some problems with reaching the desired (and necessary) productivity levels. Therefore, they have decided to seek your help to create a simulation model of the involved processes as a first step towards analyzing and improving the process design. To find the right level of detail in the model description, they want to start with a simple model and then successively add more details until a suitable model with the right level of complexity is obtained. The simulation should be run over a 3-month (12-week) period of five 8-hour workdays per week. A schematic flowchart of the manufacturing process is shown in Figure 9.35. After the cabinets are completed and inspected, the finished cabinets leave the factory. It is noteworthy that each workstation can handle only one item at a time. Workstations 1 through 3 cannot store items. Similarly, there is no room to store items before Workstation  4, but after it, there is room to store two assembled cabinets. At Workstation 5, there is ample space to store cabinets before the workstation, but after it, there is only room to store at most two painted cabinets. At the inspection station, there is ample space to store cabinets both before and after the station. Each cabinet that is made requires one unit each of five different components/raw materials delivered to the inbound storage area. Workstation 1 requires one unit each of raw materials 1 and 2, Workstation 2 requires one unit of raw material 3, and Workstation 3 requires one unit each of raw materials 4 and 5. Table 9.18 specifies the estimated processing times in Workstations 1 through 5. Table 9.19 shows collected inspection time data that has been not yet been analyzed. This needs to be done to build a valid model of the process. The performance measure that LeedSim is most interested in is the number of cabinets produced in a 3-month period. However, they also want to keep track of the following: 1.The WIP levels (measured in units of raw material)—the total as well as at different parts of the workshop (the mean and the standard deviation for a single run, and the mean with 95 percent confidence intervals in the case of multiple simulation runs) 2.The inbound storage levels of the raw materials (the maximum, the mean, and the standard deviation for a single run, and the mean with 95 percent confidence intervals in the case of multiple simulation runs) 3..The cycle time, measured from the instant a component arrives to the storage area until a finished cabinet leaves the factory (the mean and the standard deviation for a single run and the mean with 95 percent confidence intervals in the case of multiple simulation runs). (Hint: Note that all components for a particular cabinet have the same cycle time) 4.The use of workstations and equipment such as the forklift truck (the mean with 95 percent confidence intervals in the case of multiple simulation runs. Create the necessary simulations and answer questions 1-4. For each scenario in the case, a separate simulation file should be submitted. TABLE 9.1 Observed Inspection Time Data in Minutes No. Inspection Time No. Inspection Time No. Inspection Time No. Inspection Time 1 0994 3 021s a 0343 on 152 2 3084 2 198 @ 219 2 2561 3 0169 = 243 @ 0756 % 6198 4 7078 3 191 PY 091 % L663 5 2440 EY 008s & 1001 5 0984 6 5546 3% os & 20m % 0183 7 02m 7 234 & 326 7 1385 5 1185 El 0458 es 207 % 0212 9 508 » 147 © 5358 % 0757 0 0989 0 1180 n oo 10 1201 n 0590 a 0307 n 2397 0 0063 2 8476 2 52 n ans 102 asm 1B 3676 5 e797 7 1478 10 7569 1 0308 2461 7 1089 104 oz 15 0016 5 oats 7 121% 105 os61 16 1392 rs 0699 7 0109 106 0697 4 0352 7 0293 7 4355 107 1937 1s 205 FY 425 » 1158 108 oss © 285% rs 1594 0003 109 12% 2 S982 50 073 50 0137 10 0357 2 237 5 0389 st 0293 m 1143 2 206 = 1088 52 0193 m2 3088 5 0252 5 1457 = 1268 m 0548 2% 0290 54 0206 8 229 4 3460 5 51% 5 075 5 0689 15 1271 % 1727 5 178 8 2376 16 3400 7 3859 7 0510 7 07 ita 3082 x 335 EY 340 5 Los 1s 0357 » oss 5 160 5 5109 19 209% Fl 1992 @ 218 0 32 1 ors
Answered 1 days AfterDec 06, 2023

Answer To: Please do this case study on simulation using Excel or JMP. XXXXXXXXXXNote: For every month...

Banasree answered on Dec 07 2023
21 Votes
                                                                    Considering 6days/week            Sol.1            Sol.2            Sol.3    Sol.4
    No    Inspection Time    R
andom Number    WorkStation 1 processing Time    WorkStation 2 processing Time    WorkStation 3 processing Time    WorkStation 4 processing Time    WorkStation 5 processing Time    Combine Time WS1    Combine Time WS2    Combine Time WS3    Combine Time WS4    Combine Time WS5    WS1    WS2    WS3    Raw MATERIAL Required ws1@12week    Raw MATERIAL Required ws2@12week    Raw MATERIAL Required ws3@12week    WIP level per unit @ WS4 and ws5    Inbound storage at WS4    let say, inbound storage at WS5    Inbound storage level    Cycle time at WS 4    Cycle time at WS 5    Cycle time at Inspection and leaving    Using Forklift approx....

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