Assignment 3-PPT template-2 Research Project title Your name Problem Space • Drawing from the literature, or from the research context i.e. the organisation, sector, region etc. – describe the...

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Assignment 3-PPT template-2 Research Project title Your name Problem Space • Drawing from the literature, or from the research context i.e. the organisation, sector, region etc. – describe the research problem you are seeking to resolve • The discussion of a research problem may extend over several slides Literature review • This section should extend from the ‘problem space’ discussion, however it should reference scholarly research. • In constructing your literature review, ask yourself: – What have others found in this research space, or in similar research spaces? – Are results from previous studies suffice? Do they adequately inform how the firm, region or sector can move forward? (the general assumption is that they don’t, and hence there is a need for your research) – What are the underlying business theories that relate to this research space? Research Aims/ Research Questions • Present your aims or research questions in logical order • It would be appropriate to state how completing relevant research aims might solve aspects of the research problem space (i.e. justify why this research aim is used) Research Design • This section is very technical. You have many notes in your study guide on how to work through this. • At the end of the day, your research design needs to adequately, and convincingly provide a solution to a research problem, and/or meet a research aim. Hence, it is vital that you re- read your research plan with a critical eye, to ensure it is logical and will produce expected outcomes. Research Design: Qual, Quant or Mixed Step 1) decide whether you adopt a Qualitative, Quantitative or Mixed method - The decision to use a particular method should relate to the research aims you are seeking to achieve. - I.e. if you want to ‘prove that something will happen more often than something else’ – you will need to adopt a quantitative approach. - If you are seeking to ‘understand the dynamics of a phenomena in a research context’ you should adopt a qualitative approach. Research Design: Sample Step 2: Describe and justify your sample - who will you be getting data from? - how many people will you need to get data from to ensure your results are adequate? - are there some considerations you need to keep in mind when approaching your suggested sample? (i.e. is there a potential that the results will bias one perspective over another, in a manner that is not justifiable?) Research Design: Research Tools Step 3: your Research Tools - you need to show your research tools (i.e. your questionnaire, survey, observation checklist etc.) - You research tools need to be able to provide you with adequate data, that when analyzed, will meet your research aims. - Ask yourself the following questions: - do these questions answer something important for this research context? - Am I biasing the answer by asking this question in a specific way? - how can I be minimize the degree to which a respondent may answer untruthfully to this question. Research Analysis Analysis is a process of drawing ‘overall’ or ‘underlying’ conclusions from your data. There are different ways to analyze your results, depending (in the first instance) on the approach (qualitative/ quantitative/mixed) you chose. Read your study guide to give you detail on how you will analyze your data. Ethical considerations What impacts could this research have on the stakeholders involved in the process? Discuss how these and any other ethical concerns will be addressed in your research. Summary What are the overall expected outcomes from this research? Summarize how you will achieve these outcomes What might future research learn from your activity? IRP keypath MNG93217 Assessment 3 details and marking criteria (1)-3 Assessment item 3 – Research Proposal Presentation Due: Monday of Week 7, 9 am AEST Length: Up to 15 minutes Conditions: Individual Weighting: 50% Requirements You are required to present the research proposal either through collaborate online, or in person or some other arrangement with approval from your tutor. The presentation should be supported by PowerPoint slides, outline the research plan and demonstrate your communication skills. Please note that you MUST upload your Powerpoint slides through Turnitin. Resources A template is provided for you to base your presentation on. A step-by-step guide for recording your presentation on Blackboard Collaborate is provided. Marking Criteria: Next page Marking Criteria: Sections Assessing criteria Weightage Resea rch problem • Research problem is clearly explained • Research scope/focus is sufficiently narrowed down • Significance of the research problem is well established 4 marks Resea rch aim • Research aim closely linked to the research problem 3 mark Resea rch question(s) • Research question(s) is/are specific to the research problem • Research question(s) is/are specific to the industry partner • Research question(s) closely linked to the research aim • Answer(s) to research question(s) is/are able to solve the problem 4 marks Literature review • Literature reviewed is relevant to the research problem • Literature reviewed is comprehensive • Clear identification and summary of potential factors causing the research problem or the knowledge gap in the literature • Presents a conceptual map which clearly explains all independent and dependent factors or the knowledge gap 10 marks Research design • Chosen research method is adequately justified • Proposed sample is relevant to solve the research problem • Proposed sampling method suits the research method • Research tool(s) is well developed for the data required • Proposed research plan addresses all ethical concerns 14 marks Presentatio n • Oral: Presentation completed within recommended time Presentation was fluent and clear • Written: Appropriate amount of content on slides Slides were well prepared (layout, font size, visuals) 15 marks Total: /50 marks Assessment 2 – Literature Review: An Analysis on How to Reduce Flight Ticket Clustering for Popular Destinations for Holiday Bookings during Vacation Season Airline Ticketing & Tourism: Competition & Demand Factors In the context of global level competition that is increasingly getting tougher, companies are required in competing over effectiveness as well as efficiency concerning the marketing strategies undertaken for capturing newer opportunities for satisfying the needs of customers. In different terms, a combination of greatest product and lowest price alone shall not be considered competitive enough (Brueckner et al. 2015; Park and Pan 2018). The choice behavior can be stated to be impacted by way of preferences concerning consumers for various product categories as well as specific brands, paving way for companies in collecting market / industry data, learning about the consumer preferences, as well as change the sales approaches. At a generic level, companies need to consider the consumer choice as well as offer customers with varied set of products / choices that are differentiated for meeting the consumer demands while they shall formulate the revenue decisions as well as required marketing strategies. To take an example, most of the airlines possess varied fare classes like for example the economy class and the first class which shall differ across the levels of facilities and the services available to the customers (Brueckner et al. 2015; Park and Pan 2018). Companies are required to understand varied choices which consumers shall make while facing product assortments of this nature as well as offer suitable contents with respect to each of the consumers. Once these individual choices can be logically modeled, choice predictions shall be of immense value for managers with respect to product formulations as well as reducing the clustering of demands (Brueckner et al. 2015; Park and Pan 2018). On account of the growing levels of diversity concerning purchasing channels as well as information media, organizations to an increasing extent are interested to model as well as understand the actual process by which their consumers shall choose products, and also measure the future choices of consumers (Zhang et al. 2016; Wong and Wei 2018). Effectively understanding the consumer choices as well as predicting their preferences shall be critical for the enterprises in introducing newer products as well as implementing the target marketing. The preference predictions can in addition be employed much more extensively amongst the companies for guiding the decision optimizations (Zhang et al. 2016; Wong and Wei 2018). The behavior of human choices become of significance interest herein, specifically the choice mechanisms that are underlying, as well as revealing / investigating the fundamental reasons with respect to the same. Choice behaviors are complex as well as rational at the same time and on account of the same, decision makers strive in simplifying overall formulation concerning the choice processes. The capturing of choice decisions pertaining to consumers, the methodology which shall estimate direct as well as indirect effects, variables specific to the situation as well as clear form of causal relationship can lead to effective representation of the mechanisms for choice behavior. On the basis of choice mechanisms, companies shall be required in measuring preferences as well as predicting the decision making by consumers (Zhang et al. 2016; Wong and Wei 2018). Consumer Choice Behavior In cases wherein the consumers are faced with multiple set of alternative products / services / brands, they shall usually repeat same set of choices which has proven satisfactory within similar set of situations (Bergantino and Capozza 2015; Bergantino and Capozza 2015). In this context the theory of information integration provides specific set of mechanisms for describing the ways in which the individuals shall integrate distinct elements of the information available to that of overall index concerning preferences. This theory states that with respect to the situations wherein the information concerning products as well as brands shall be available within marketplace, the consumers shall usually value as well as weigh the product attributes much often during their purchase decision making process (Bergantino and Capozza 2015; Bergantino and Capozza 2015). A comprehensive form of evaluation can be undertaken for varied marketing issues / questions by way of integrating the consumer values as well as weights bound by specific rules. In
Answered Same DaySep 27, 2020MNG93217Southern Cross University

Answer To: Assignment 3-PPT template-2 Research Project title Your name Problem Space • Drawing from the...

Soumi answered on Oct 02 2020
144 Votes
Slide 1
Problem Space
Due to the high number of choices for the customers in regards to flight bookings, prices,
offers and availability during festivals becomes more or less same for each company.
Therefore, the efficacy at the time of ticket booking come into play, deciding how much time would be required for the process. As more time is consumed due to clustering of customers, the company is perceived as ineffective and the customers move away, causing harm to the business.
Research Aim and Questions
Aim along with Rationale
The aim of the research is to identify and solve the issue of ticket clustering during airlines ticket booking of popular destinations during festivals.
What are the reasons for ticket clustering during festival session flight bookings?
 What is reason for giving negative feedback to American airlines by customers?
How ticket clustering influence the customer choice behaviors?
How can the issue of ticket clustering during festivals be solved and offer customers a faster ticket booking?
Airline Ticketing & Tourism
Competition & Demand Factors
Consumer Choice Behavior
Consumer Choice Behavior in Airline Industry
Conceptual Map
Literature Review:
Airline Ticketing & Tourism
Airlines being the fastest from of travel, people available as well as prefer the use of airlines. As mentioned by Wang et al. (2018), air travel is the future of human transportation, key to faster business, and reason for tourism business flourishing.
In order to avail seats on a particular data tickets must be purchased in advance to avoid unavailability. In order to authenticate the data and prevent on flight mishaps, ticking process takes time and often lead to delay.
Literature Review:
Competition & Demand Factors
The ticketing process of airline used for availing tickets for tourism or business, is highly influenced by the factors of competition and demand.
As identified by Beck et al. (2018), when the competition is low the customers are offered high-ticket prices, delayed processing and less seats for maximize profit. The limited seats are the cause of high pricing and high demand is the cause of limited seats.
Literature Review:
Consumer Choice Behavior

Customers’ choice...

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