Answered Same DayAug 13, 2021

Answer To: Price pls

Dr. Vidhya answered on Aug 14 2021
145 Votes
Running Head: BACHELOR OF APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCE                 1
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Brief Overview    3
The Social Attributes and Differentiations    5
Potential Barriers to the Access of Care    6
The Enhancement of Knowledge and Skills    7
Conclusion    10
References    11
Australian societies have rapidly evolved over the last two centuries due to the rise and emergence of multic
ultural aspect of people; there are diverse cultural groups that have marked their presence effectively. Indigenous population is one of the diverse groups that have been a significant part of this evolution; from nomadic existence to the conventional living, they have been through several steps such as migration, living with difficulties of migration as well as enduring the problems related to their cultural values and it is mixing with the mainstream society (Deroy & Schutze, 2019). Especially after the colonial appearance in Australian regions, efforts were made to harmonise the living of these community people. However, a formal case study done through this paper shows legitimate gaps in the access to care and need of promoting literacy in this community. The set of knowledge of social works and evidence-based practices in healthcare are some of the ways through which, their living norms can be alleviated.
Brief Overview
At first, it is significant to note here that indigenous communities are spread all over the Australian regions, which make them one of the largest diverse cultural groups identified at national level. As per the data published by Australian Bureau of Statistics, the population of this community has increased to more than twenty one million (Simone Louise et al., 2019). There have been different patterns of living in this cultural group, driven from the climate adaptations, vegetation and the expansion of the population.
These different criteria are preferred by this population with regard to their acceptance level. In fact, indigenous population is primarily known for moving in bands for their protection and mobility before the European settlers arrived in 17th century in Australia (Armstrong et al., 2021). A significant change in the nomadic way of living has been seen since then because a brand new procedure of living was applied to the population on behalf of Indigenous population. This was the transitional period in which, the indigenous children were taken away from their families so that they can be put to western ways of education.
Additionally, in the era of 1880s, the cultural clashes drove the population into a consistent struggle with the settlers, which are known as the pacification campaign. This campaign led to the identification of the population as a diverse cultural group with proper recognition given as a part of the Australian societies. In 1965, after a long battle fought for their individual rights, the Australian government agreed to provide self-determination governance to the community people (Butler et al., 2019). It was the process of awarding the rights of self-regulation of the governing policies.
During the decade of 1970 and onwards, the implementation of the policies related to self-governance began taking shape as the outcome of the human right activists’ movements and appeals of the indigenous leaders to the Australian government. Although the pacification campaign has positive impacts over the development of the social, political and economic life of the indigenous population, however, it actually became one of the major reasons of creating gaps later on (Curtis et al., 2019). The access to healthcare services, lack of availability of educational resources as well as creation of the lower income groups can be identified as some of the setbacks of this campaign.
In the context of the above, some of the distinctive social features are developed over the course of time in indigenous communities. These features are related to their social bonds, living norms as well as on their ways of generating revenue through agriculture and hunting; some of the tribes still depend on hunting and agriculture as the major source of employment and living. However, it is the social bonding and the concept of kinship that differentiates them from the mainstream Australian social culture, which is driven from the ideology of European settlers (Drawson, Toombs & Mushquash, 2017).
The Social Attributes and Differentiations
Based on the historical evolution, the indigenous communities in Australia pursue the social norms that are not aligned to the western culture. Unlike the western cultural forms, which are exclusively liberal, there are small community formations, which emphasise the need of individual behaviour and his or her respect to the family and societal culture. The concept of social inclusion is integrated and limited for indigenous people. That is they tend to limit their options of expansion because they believe in the principle of specific complaisance management in their social system (Li, 2017).
For example, inclusive models of leadership are applicable to the indigenous societies in Australia because they pertain to develop leaderships within their community only. Moreover, these behavioural approaches of the leaders are assessed on their participation in the community services and engagement in the process of social works. Similarly, not much of the outside support and coordination is sought by the indigenous population, which makes their kinship model a complex one to understand (Le Grande et al., 2017).
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