PUBH6002_Assessment 1 Brief Page 1 of6ASSESSMENT BRIEFSubject Code and Title PUBH6002: Global and Environmental Health IssuesAssessment Assessment 1: Report - Environmental Risk...

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PUBH6002_Assessment 1 Brief Page 1 of6ASSESSMENT BRIEFSubject Code and Title PUBH6002: Global and Environmental Health IssuesAssessment Assessment 1: Report - Environmental Risk AssessmentIndividual/Group IndividualLength 1,500 words (+/- 10%)Learning Outcomes A. Understand the concept of environmental factors influencinghealth, and the relevance to public health from the global tothe local levels.B. Describe key agencies, institutional structures, politicalprocesses, influences on and challenges for environmentalhealth.D. Understand the way in which globalisation and the social,economic and political determinants of health influencedisease, including identification of vulnerable groups.E. Understand the concept of sustainable development.F. Identify and critique ethical elements relevant toenvironmental health protections, policies, and industrypractices, from global to local scale.G. Critically analyse the relationships betweenenvironmental risk factors and social, economic andpolitical determinants of illness and injury from globalto local scale.Submission Due Sunday following the end of Module 4 at 11:55pmAEST/AEDT*Weighting 30%Total Marks 100 marks*Please Note: This time is Sydney time (AEST or AEDT). Please convert to your own time zone (e.g.Adelaide = 11:25pm).PUBH6002_Assessment 1 Brief Page 2 of6Instructions:Choose a specific geographic region and one of the following environmental health issues: Water (safe drinking water or ambient/environmental water) Sanitation (wastewater control) Air quality (indoor or outdoor) Solid waste management Hazardous/toxic substances Noise Disasters Food safety Traffic accidents Vector-borne disease Climate and geography Housing and the built environmentPlease address the following:Part 1:Using the WHO (1999) DPSEEA framework: -Chapter 7 describe the driving forces, pressures, state changes, exposures and effects relevant to yourchosen region and environmental health issue. Are there any social, political or economic influences on the issue that aren’t captured bythe DPSEEA framework?Part 2: How is the environmental health issue currently being managed? What is the role of existinghealth agencies and other agencies, key stakeholders including community groups, criticalinfrastructure and legislative and regulatory measures at the federal and state level? What suggestions do you propose to address gaps in current policy, regulation andmanagement for this environmental health issue?PUBH6002_Assessment 1 Brief Page 3 of6Assessment Criteria:Assignments will be assessed in terms of the extent to which students demonstrate: Knowledge and understanding of evidence-based approaches to environmental riskassessment and management (25%) Critical analysis (30% in total)o Critical analysis of the driving forces (economic, social, political, institutional,developmental) behind the environmental determinants (10%)o Critical analysis of the impact of the environmental risk upon the geographicpopulation (10%)o Critical analysis of the impact of the environmental risk upon equity issues (10%) Analysis of evidence to recommend changes in current policy, regulation and management(25%) General Assessment Criteria (20%)o Provides a lucid introductiono Shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issueso Shows ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation tochosen topico Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant conceptso Shows evidence of reading beyond the required readingso Justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments and not merelyassertionso Provides a conclusion or summaryo Correctly uses academic writing, presentation and grammar:▪ Complies with academic standards of legibility, referencing andbibliographical details (including reference list)▪ Writes clearly, with accurate spelling and grammar as well as propersentence and paragraph construction▪ Uses appropriate APA style for citing and referencing researchMarking Rubric:AssessmentAttributes0-34(Fail 2 –F2)Unacceptable35-49(Fail 1 – F1)Poor50-64(Pass -P)Functional65-74(Credit - CR)Proficient75-84(Distinction – DN)Advanced85-100(High Distinction –HD)ExceptionalGrade Description (Grading Scheme) Evidence of unsatisfactoryachievement of one ormore of the learningobjectives of the subject,insufficient understandingof the subject contentand/or unsatisfactorylevel of skill development.Evidence of satisfactoryachievement of subjectlearning objectives, thedevelopment of relevantskills to a competentlevel, and adequateinterpretation and criticalanalysis skills.Evidence of a good level ofunderstanding, knowledgeand skill development inrelation to the content ofthe subject or work of asuperior quality on themajority of the learningobjectives of the subject.Demonstration of a highlevel of interpretation andcritical analysis skills.Evidence of a high levelof achievement of thelearning objectives ofthe subjectdemonstrated in suchareas as interpretationand critical analysis,logical argument, useof methodology andcommunication skills.Evidence of anexceptional level ofachievement oflearning objectivesacross the entirecontent of the coursedemonstrated in suchareas asinterpretation andcritical analysis,logical argument,creativity, originality,use of methodologyand communicationExhibits knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding ofevidence-based approaches toenvironmental risk assessment andmanagement (25%)Limited understanding ofrequired concepts andknowledgeKnowledge/understanding of the field or discipline.Resembles a recall orThoroughknowledge/understandingof the field or discipline/s.Supports personal opinionHighly developedunderstanding of thefield or discipline/s.skills.A sophisticatedunderstanding of thefield or discipline/s.summary of key ideas. and information Discriminates between Systematically andKey components of the substantiated by evidence assertion of personal critically discriminatesassignment are not Often conflates/confuses from the research/subject opinion and between assertion ofaddressed. assertion of personal materials. information personal opinion andopinion with information substantiated by informationsubstantiated by Demonstrates a capacity robust evidence from substantiated byevidence from the to explain and apply the research/course robust evidence fromresearch/subject relevant concepts. materials and the research/coursematerials. extended reading. materials andPage 4 of 6PUBH6002_Assessment 1Brief Page 5 of6Well demonstratedcapacity to explain andapply relevantconcepts.extended reading.Mastery of conceptsand application tonewsituations/furtherlearning.Critical reasoning, presentation anddefence of an argument and/or position Critical analysis of the driving forces(economic, social, political,institutional, developmental) behindthe environmental determinants (10%) Critical analysis of the impact of theenvironmental risk upon thegeographic population (10%) Critical analysis of the impact of theenvironmental risk upon equity issues(10%)Specific position(perspective or argument)fails to take into accountthe complexities of theissue(s) or scope of theassignment.Makes assertions that arenot justified.Specific position(perspective orargument) begins to takeinto account the issue(s)or scope of theassignment.Justifies any conclusionsreached with argumentsnot merely assertion.Specific position(perspective or argument)takes into account thecomplexities of the issue(s)or scope of theassignment. Others’ pointsof view are acknowledged.Justifies any conclusionsreached with well-formedarguments not merelyassertion.Specific position(perspective orargument) is expertlypresented andaccurately takes intoaccount thecomplexities of theissue(s) and scope ofthe assignment.Justifies anyconclusions reachedwith well-developedarguments.Specific position(perspective orargument) ispresented expertly,authoritatively andimaginatively,accurately taking intoaccount thecomplexities of theissue(s) and scope ofthe assignment.Limits of position areacknowledged.Justifies anyconclusions reachedwith sophisticatedarguments.Analysis and application with synthesis ofnew knowledge Analysis of evidence to recommendchanges in current policy, regulationand management (25%)Limited synthesis andanalysis.Limitedapplication/recommendations based upon analysis.Demonstrated analysisand synthesis of newknowledge withapplication.Shows the ability tointerpret relevantinformation andliterature.Well-developed analysisand synthesis withapplication ofrecommendationslinkedto analysis/synthesis.Thoroughly developedand creative analysisand synthesis withapplication ofpretested models and /or independentlydeveloped models andjustifiedrecommendationslinked toanalysis/synthesis.Highly sophisticatedand creative analysis,synthesis of new withexisting knowledge.Strong application byway of pretestedmodels and / orindependentlydeveloped models.RecommendationsPUBH6002_Assessment 1Brief Page 6 of6are clearly justifiedbased on theanalysis/synthesis.Applying knowledgeto newsituations/othercases.General assessment criteria (20%)*General assessment criteria shown belowPoorly written with errorsin spelling, grammar.Demonstratesinconsistent use of goodquality, credible andrelevant research sourcesto support and developideas.There are mistakes inusing the APA style.Is written according toacademic genre (e.g. withintroduction, conclusionor summary) and hasaccurate spelling,grammar, sentence andparagraph construction.Demonstrates consistentuse of credible andrelevant research sourcesto support and developideas, but these are notalways explicit or welldeveloped.There are no mistakes inusing the APA style.Is well-written andadheres to the academicgenre (e.g. withintroduction, conclusion orsummary).Demonstrates consistentuse of high quality,credible and relevantresearch sources tosupport and developideas.There are no mistakes inusing the APA style.Is very well-writtenand adheres to theacademic genre.Consistentlydemonstrates expertuse of good quality,credible and relevantresearch sources tosupport and developappropriate argumentsand statements. Showsevidence of readingbeyond the keyreadingThere are no mistakesin using the APA style.Expertly written andadheres to theacademic genre.Demonstrates expertuse of high-quality,credible and relevantresearch sources tosupport and developarguments andposition statements.Shows extensiveevidence of readingbeyond the keyreadingThere are no mistakesin using the APA Style.
Answered Same DayApr 05, 2021PUBH 6002

Answer To: PUBH6002_Assessment 1 Brief Page 1 of6ASSESSMENT BRIEFSubject Code and Title PUBH6002: Global and...

Rimsha answered on Apr 08 2021
137 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Part 1:    3
Driving Forces, Pressures, State Changes, Exposures and Effects of Food Safety in South Australia    3
Social, Political and Economic Influence on Food Safety in South Australia    5
Part 2:    6
Management of th
e Food Safety by Governmental Agencies and Other Key Stakeholders    6
Recommendations to Address Gaps in Policy, Regulation and Management of the Food Safety    7
Conclusion    7
References    8
These days, food and beverage industry is constantly trying to improve the food safety situation in Australia. Despite of taking all the measures, there are many loop ends left when people suffered from the food poisoning (Nerin, Aznar & Carrizo, 2016). In South Australia, the cases of food poisoning are rising constantly at various region. Since 2017, the number of food cases recorded is largest in the recent history of country. Around 15% of cases were of Salmonella.
There are many cases of outbreak in 2017 at the Intercontinental hotel in Adelaide where 140 become unwell due to cross contamination of the food with salmonella. Similar cases reported in various other parts of the South Australia. For example, 24 children in an after-hours care facility fell ill due to inadequate sanitising procedures. The 14 customers get ill in Victor harbor at pork pie chop. On the contrary, 12 people fell ill after eating the contaminated chicken liver (Australian Institute of Food Safety, 2020).
Part 1:
Driving Forces, Pressures, State Changes, Exposures and Effects of Food Safety in South Australia
    The driving force in the negligence of the food safety is low adult literacy rate. It has been seen that most of the employees working as cooking or serving staff in the food restaurants have low adult literacy rate. This lack of literacy resulted in lack of health literacy and poor training of people in handling the food and food safety resulted into the case of food poising. It has been seen that most of the cases of food poisoning occur due to cross contamination of the food (Filippini et al., 2018).
People who often failed to follow the food safety protocols due to high pressure of serving large number of customers in short span of time. It is ideally said that all the food-serving places strictly followed all the rules laid down under food safety protocol, but it is too idealistic to happen in practice. Another driving force, which causes food poisoning and risk the human health, is the use of contaminated food. Contaminated foods such as fishes with high quantity of the arsenic or crop with high percentage of pesticides in it cause various disorders on consumption.
Pressure is in the contamination of the food at time of food extraction as well as food production. During the extraction of the food material, at many times food is contaminated. Food is contaminated through various sources, for example, starting of the pandemic of corona virus. When a man in Wuhan, China, consumed the bat soup, became infected with the corona virus. This occurs because that bat is infected with the corona.
Apart from this, it has been seen that corona entered the human body and transmitted to other humans, which then became pandemic. Thus, an infected meat resulted in the pandemic. Food production can also result in reducing the quality of the food, for example, beef and pork are often contaminated with the eggs of tapeworm. When food is not cooked properly, the eggs of the tapeworm enter in the body of the humans and cause various disorders in the body.
    State of the...

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