Subject Code and Title PUBH6002 Global and Environmental Health Issues Assessment Assessment 3: Discussion Forum Individual/Group Individual Length 1,000 words (+/- 10%) Learning Outcomes This...

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Subject Code and Title

PUBH6002 Global and Environmental Health Issues


Assessment 3: Discussion Forum




1,000 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes

This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:

  • Understand the concept of environmental factors influencing health, and the relevance to public health from the global to the local levels.

  • Describe key agencies, institutional structures, political processes, influences on and challenges for environmental health.

  • Understand the relationship between health, trade and foreign policy, and the relevant policy and legislation that governs these relationships.

  • Understand the way in which globalisation and the social, economic and political determinants of health influence disease, including identification of vulnerable groups.

  • Understand the concept of sustainable development.

  • Identify and critique ethical elements relevant to environmental health protections, policies, and industry practices, from global to local scale.

  • Critically analyse the relationships between eenvironmental risk factors and social, economic and political determinants of illness and injury from global to local scale.

  • Apply skills in conducting an environmental health assessment and designing an intervention to mitigate environmental health risks.


Part A Due week 6 on Sunday at 11:55pm AEST/AEDT* Part B Due week 12 on Sunday at 11:55pm AEST/AEDT*For 6 week intensive class:
Part A Due week 3 on Sunday at 11:55pm AEST/AEDT* Part B Due week 6 on Sunday at 11:55pm AEST/AEDT*

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Total Marks

100 marks

*Please Note: This time isSydneytime (AEST or AEDT). Please convert to your own time zone (e.g. Adelaide = 11:25pm).


This assessment is aimed at developing student’s ability to reflect on their learning and discuss content and share ideas in a professional online environment. The assessment will develop cognitive and critical thinking skills essential for a career in public health.

By prescribing this assessment, students will develop their academic writing, researching and referencing skills as well as their ability to effectively summarise information. This assessment allows students to broaden their own understanding of each topic through engaging in academic discourse, while developing their skills to engage in formal discussions with their peers.


Part A: covering modules 1 to 3 Part B: covering modules 4 to 6

Step 1:In theAssessment 3 Discussion Forum,post a comment in regard toONEdiscussion topic related toEACHmodule (Refer to module discussion topics on page 3 of this assessment brief)

Step 2:Post on at least one other discussion forum post. It is important to note that posting once does not constitute a discussion, and students are to return to the discussion forum to further engage with other students' posts.

Interact in the Discussion Forum by commenting, debating, and adding to the Discussion Forum posts of your fellow students. It is expected that you will add at least one post to one of your fellow student’s posts. Academic debate and discussion must always be conducted with care and respect. Points to consider:

This discussion relates to content delivered in Modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.1.
Students must demonstrate accurate referencing technique according to APA 6th edition. Suggested word count: 1000 words (+/- 10%)

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To complete this task, students are encouraged to:

  • complete the weekly learning content.

  • seek out further research materials on this topic from authoritative text books, peer

    reviewed journals, and academic online sources.

  • do a spelling and grammar check and proof read your work to ensure ideas are clear and

    flow logically. Great ideas can get lost in sentences that are difficult to understand.

    Referencing requirements:

    When making links to relevant additional materials, it is important that the correct APA referencing style is being used. This is an area where students can show that they have been using a wide range of resources.

    Module discussion topics will be posted by your lecturer for each module

    Submission Instructions:

    Submit your Discussion Post via the link in the Assessment 4 Discussion Forum. A rubric will be attached to the Assessment Brief. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in Blackboard. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades

Answered 6 days AfterApr 06, 2021PUBH 6002

Answer To: Subject Code and Title PUBH6002 Global and Environmental Health Issues Assessment Assessment 3:...

Azra S answered on Apr 06 2021
154 Votes
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Australia stands only second in the export of coal in the wor
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