Discuss why developing alternative strategic plans is important in order to meet the policy changes in the healthcare environment. In your paper, address the following: A. Explain the need for...

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Discuss why developing alternative strategic plans is important in order to meet the policy changes in the healthcare environment. In your paper, address the following: A. Explain the need for developing strategic alternatives and why strategic alternatives are important for a successful organization. Use scholarly and peer-reviewed sources to support your explanation. B. Examine industry policy changes and the need to develop a flexible strategic plan, specifically, how the source of the policy (such as federally mandated changes, industry best practices, or state requirements) impacts the need to develop a flexible strategic plan. Use appropriate sources to support your claims. C. Make strategic alternative recommendations for the healthcare organization in your case study. Be sure these recommendations address the specific policy issue changes faced by the healthcare organization.
Answered Same DayMar 28, 2023

Answer To: Discuss why developing alternative strategic plans is important in order to meet the policy changes...

Dipali answered on Mar 29 2023
37 Votes
Table of contents
A. The Need for Developing Strategic Alternatives    3
B. Industry Policy Changes and the Need to Develop
a Flexible Strategic Plan    3
C. Strategic Alternative Recommendations for the Healthcare Organization    4
References    6
A. The Need for Developing Strategic Alternatives
Healthcare organizations operate in an ever-changing and complex environment where policy changes, advances in technology, and demographic shifts pose challenges that require them to be adaptable and innovative. Developing strategic alternatives is essential for healthcare organizations to achieve their long-term goals, adapt to changes in the environment, and ensure their sustainability (Raghupathi & Raghupathi, 2018). Strategic alternatives are options that organizations consider to achieve their goals when their current strategies are no longer effective or feasible. They are important for successful organizations because they allow them to anticipate potential changes and develop contingency plans to mitigate risks, capitalize on opportunities, and maintain their competitive advantage. According to Kim and Mauborgne (2015), developing strategic alternatives requires organizations to challenge their assumptions, question their mental models, and explore possibilities beyond their current strategy. Therefore, strategic alternatives help organizations to foster a culture of innovation, creativity, and strategic thinking that enables them to thrive in a dynamic environment (Rosenbloom, Dhopeshwarkar & Fernandez, 2019).
B. Industry Policy Changes and the Need to Develop a Flexible Strategic Plan

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