This assignment is an in-depth, literature-grounded analysis of a significant health policy issue. It is to be approximately 8–10 ten pages in length (excluding the cover page and list of references cited at the end); apply and cite at least nine (9) valid references. The final term paper must address the following ten (10) sections/elements outlined below:
1. Overview and Significance of the Healthcare Reform Policy (2010).
2. History of the ACA Health Policy (Including Legislative Processes and Partisan Politics).
3. What are the current challenges associated with the ACA Law
4. Stakeholder Analysis
5. Healthcare Policy Options and Analysis of Trade-Offs
6. What are the current Healthcare Policy Recommendations
7. What are the Recommended Roles for Federal Government, State Government, and Current Markets.
8. What are the Implications of the Healthcare Policy Recommendations
i. Analysis of Population Health Implications
ii. Analysis of Economic Implications
iii. Analysis of Political Implications
iv. Analysis of Implications for Health Care Organizations
9. Conclusion
10.References Cited