This is a team assignment , and I partially only need 750 words plus a graph of the timeline.I will give you a total of three documents, respectively, an example of the assignment (ebay), a question...

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This is a team assignment , and I partially only need 750 words plus a graph of the timeline.

I will give you a total of three documents, respectively, an example of the assignment (ebay), a question for the assignment, and a summary of our previous assignment goals. This assignment is based on the (memo document) to continue the extension.

My requirements are First, according to the requirements, the background of Google Inc. and complete a timeline of Google Inc.'s attempt to join the Chinese market, the past ten years, and the projected next five and ten years.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions on any part.

Please follow strictly the questions I posted to complete each step. Thanks

BUSS5251 IB Virtual Class - Revision Business Models and the External Environmental Impact Prof Susan Freeman (Course Coordinator) BUSS3103 International Business Environment: Business models and theories to address the External Environmental Impact of disruptions and Internal managerial firm behaviour Prof Susan Freeman Professor of International Business (Course Coordinator) Some suggested international business models, frameworks and theories to address country-level, firm-level or managerial-level decisions around the impact of external environmental disruptions. Many of you are looking at cases for your Team Assignment that take in these aspects as you formulate your research problems. We are addressing such aspects in our topics and related cases throughout the study period. • There are many current issues we will discuss throughout the course and we will address each of these key international business models and theories as we progress through the course. • Here they are at your finger-tips to make it easier for you to work through the assessment and enjoy the world of international business ! BUSS3103 International Business Environment: Business models and theories to address the External Environmental Impact of disruptions and Internal managerial firm behaviour Prof Susan Freeman Professor of International Business (Course Coordinator) To help you to get us started here are some summary slides: 1. 4 International Business risks (great framework for evaluating uncertainties and risks across 4 areas in international business) in a single slide with some explanations. 2. Trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) theories (provides a quick summary of the country level and firm level trade and FDI theories for explaining behaviour of managers, firms, and nations in trade and FDI related decisions and activities) a single slide. 3. Ethical principles and theories (explains and summarises the range of theories and perspectives from an ethical and CSR point of view and why managers, firms and governments might behave unethically) a single slide 1. Also defines an ethical dilemma which you need to be able to do to shape your research problem for investigation in your team assignment. 4. Market (country) attractiveness (explains how to evaluate a new foreign market location quickly and easily in a single slide. This set of slides provides a quick overview, of the theoretical frameworks you might like to consider for all your assessment, whether it be the team assignment, the individual assignment, or the continuous assessment as we discuss the cases. In one way or another they highlight ethical dilemmas. A word on Covid-19 and other external (environmental) disruptions, such as the Russian insurgence into Ukraine With the impact of Covid-19 on businesses we have observed a number of phases – what are they? • This is impacting business models - What is a business model? • Which ones don’t seem to be working? In which phases (When)? Why? • What ones seem to be working? When? Why? • What are the global and regional drivers of disruption in Europe? Asia and the Middle East? Africa? US and the Americas? And at home, domestically? • We can now unfortunately add the Russian insurgence into Ukraine • How do they differ? Why? What about the phases? • These are issues we will discuss throughout the course and we will address each of these key international business models and theories as we progress through the course. • Here they are at your finger-tips to make it easier for you to work through the assessment and enjoy the world of international business! 4 IB Risks: Source: Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J.R., Rammal, H.G, & Freeman, S. (2012) “International Business: The New Realities”, Australasian Edition, Pearson Australia. The Four Types of Risks in IB Cross-cultural risk: a situation or event where a cultural miscommunication puts some human value at stake Country risk: potentially adverse effects on company operations and profitability holes by developments in the political, legal, and economic environment in a foreign country Currency risk: risk of adverse unexpected fluctuations in exchange rates Commercial risk: firms potential loss or failure from poorly developed or executed business strategies, tactics, or procedures Risks: Always Present but Manageable • Managers need to understand their implications, anticipate them, and take proactive action to reduce adverse effects. • Some risks are extremely challenging, e.g., the East Asian economic crisis of 1998 generated substantial commercial, currency, and country risks. Political and social unrest surged to Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines. • And another – Covid-19 • What do we consider to be the next? When? Why? What theoretical explanations do we have for International Business dilemmas? International Business Trade and Investment Theories Reminder: Theories of International Trade and Investment 8Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J.R., Rammal, H.G, & Freeman, S. (2012) “International Business: The New Realities”, Australasian Edition, Pearson Australia, Chapter 6, Exhibit 6.1, p. 150. Ethics and CSR perspectives What Are Ethical Dilemmas? ➢Ethical dilemmas - situations in which none of the available alternatives seems ethically acceptable ➢ real-world decisions are complex, difficult to frame, and involve consequences that are difficult to quantify ➢ the ethical obligations of an MNE toward employment conditions, human rights, corruption, environmental pollution, and the use of power are not always clear cut ➢ the right course of action is not always clear Why Do Managers Behave Unethically? 2. Decision-making processes - the values and norms that are shared among employees of an organization ➢ organization culture that does not emphasize business culture encourages unethical behavior 3. Organization culture - organization culture can legitimize unethical behavior or reinforce the need for ethical behavior 4. Unrealistic performance expectations - encourage managers to cut corners or act in an unethical manner Why Do Managers Behave Unethically? 5. Leadership - helps establish the culture of an organization, and set the examples that others follow • when leaders act unethically, subordinates may act unethically, too 6. Societal culture – firms headquartered in cultures where individualism and uncertainty avoidance are strong are more likely to stress ethical behavior than firms headquartered in cultures where masculinity and power distance rank high 7. Discuss in terms of Covid-19 pressures on cultures and busineeses Why Do Managers Behave Unethically? Determinants of Ethical Behavior What Are The Philosophical Approaches To Ethics? • There are several different approaches to business ethics • Straw men approaches deny the value of business ethics or apply the concept in an unsatisfactory way • Other approaches are favored by moral philosophers and are the basis for current models of ethical behavior What Are The Straw Men Approaches To Business Ethics? ➢ There are four common straw men approaches 1. Friedman doctrine - the only social responsibility of business is to increase profits, so long as the company stays within the rules of law 2. Cultural relativism - ethics are culturally determined and firms should adopt the ethics of the cultures in which they operate ➢ “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” What Are The Straw Men Approaches To Business Ethics? 3. Righteous moralist - a multinational’s home country standards of ethics should be followed in foreign countries 4. Naïve immoralist - if a manager of a multinational sees that firms from other nations are not following ethical norms in a host nation, that manager should not either ➢ All approaches offer inappropriate guidelines for ethical decision making What Are Utilitarian And Kantian Approaches To Ethics? • Utilitarian ethics - (David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill) - the moral worth of actions or practices is determined by their consequences • actions are desirable if they lead to the best possible balance of good consequences over bad consequences • but, it is difficult to measure the benefits, costs, and risks of an action • the approach fails to consider justice What Are Utilitarian And Kantian Approaches To Ethics? • Kantian ethics - (Immanuel Kant) - people should be treated as ends and never purely as means to the ends of others • people have dignity and need to be respected • people are not machines What Are Rights Theories? • Rights theories - human beings have fundamental rights and privileges which transcend national boundaries and cultures • establish a minimum level of morally acceptable behavior • the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - basic principles that should always be adhered to irrespective of the culture in which one is doing business • Moral theorists argue that fundamental human rights form the basis for the moral compass that managers should navigate by when making decisions which have an ethical component What Are Justice Theories? ➢Justice theories focus on the attainment of a just distribution of economic goods and services ➢ a just distribution is one that is considered fair and equitable ➢John Rawls argued that all economic goods and services should be distributed equally except when an unequal distribution would work to everyone’s advantage ➢ impartiality is guaranteed by the veil of ignorance - everyone is imagined to be ignorant of all his or her particular characteristics How Can Managers Determine A Market’s Overall Attractiveness? Country Attractiveness Source: Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J.R., Rammal, H.G, & Freeman, S. (2012) “International Business: The New Realities”, Australasian Edition, Pearson Australia. Discussion Question Something to think about as you develop your assessment for the Team Assignment • 1. What do you regard as the most serious problems managers and businesses face as well as governments in the post-Covid-19 environment? • Short term? • Long term? • Should the current business models be retained? Looking forward to sharing our knowledge throughout the study period. International Business Plan - Report for Market Entry or Engagement. [Instructions to students] You can choose your own company for your CASE STUDY: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PLAN (REPORT) The Plan (Report). A company from any of the states/territories in Australia or overseas can be chosen. Condition is that the company is registered on the Stock Exchange in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, US, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Brazil, Singapore, Japan, South Korea or HK. YOU WILL NEED TO PROVIDE YOUR TUTOR WITH EVIDENCE THAT IT IS LISTED ON THE STOCKEXCHNAGE, SUCH AS A URL LINK. You will be required to choose your
Answered 3 days AfterOct 23, 2022

Answer To: This is a team assignment , and I partially only need 750 words plus a graph of the timeline.I will...

Tanmoy answered on Oct 25 2022
52 Votes
1p.m — 2.p.m Wednesday
A detailed introduction of the company's background, an explanation of the problem being studied, the reasons for choosing the host market.
Google, founded on September 4, 1998 by Larry
Page and Sergey Brin, is widely regarded as the world's largest search engine company. Google is a multinational technology enterprise located in the United States. Its business includes Internet search, cloud computing, advertising technology, etc. At the same time, it develops and provides many Internet-based products and services, and its main profit comes from keyword advertising and other services. The ultimate mission of Google is to accumulate various information which they acquire from around the world and then evaluate the information for making them accessible and useful. By offering various types of products to the customers for everyone it tries to attract as well as retain the new and existing customers respectively. Further, Google tries to protect the privacy and security responsibly with respect to each product which are being manufactured. This makes the customers to operate the Google products in a safe and secured manner. Billions of people in globally uses the information available on Google for researching reliable information. Also, the people can reach the correct destination using Google Maps application and even connect with their loved ones using Google Meet application. Further, there are numerous Google applications which can be used for education and for enriching the learning experiences of the customers. Google with its highly sophisticated technology, can safeguard more than 4 billion devices and alerts the customers in case a site appears hazardous.
Our current research issues include relevant international trade laws and regulations promulgated by the Chinese government, as well as cultural and ethical issues in China, such as language and their code of conduct. Government policy on taxation is a key issue, which will greatly affect our operations and revenues. Considering ethics, we hope that our company will not offend them in operation and achieve smooth communication and cooperation with local Chinese consumers and enterprises. In the year 2006, Google launched itself in Chinese market. But in the year 2010, they pulled themselves off despite of a major hack in the company and due to disputes due to search result censorship. In the year 2018, it was reported by a company Intercept that Google was working on a secret prototype which was censored Chinese search engine better known as Project Dragonfly. Had the project Dragonfly continued, it would have strengthened the censorship of the communist party and would result in the disclosure of secret information of the Chinese customers. As a result, Google suspended all its operation due to complaints received from the privacy team of Google in China (Sheehan, 2018).
In 2022, China has the second largest population in the world, which is a unique opportunity for our company. The large population base for us to increase more potential consumers and sales. From the perspective of competitiveness, at present, only Baidu...

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