This assignment challenges students to formulate a professional response to in-depth issues contained in a real life Video Business Case. Students are encouraged to review the Background video...

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This is Business Capstone project and there is a 45 min video relative to this report, which is obligatory to watch.
These 2 links are the videos of this report, pls watch them.

This assignment challenges students to formulate a professional response to in-depth issues contained in a real life Video Business Case. Students are encouraged to review the Background video segments for the Video Business Case selected for analysis. Students will act as an independent professional business consultant reporting to senior managers of the company concerned. Students are expected to provide informed and robust advice to this business client. A sophisticated understanding of the critical aspects of this Video Business Case needs to be demonstrated. A succinct and high impact report is expected. The report is expected to be <2,000 words,="" including="" an="" executive="" summary=""><300 words)="" but="" excluding="" references.="" introduction,="" table="" of="" contents="" and="" appendices="" are="" not="" required="" and="" will="" not="" be="" marked.="" to="" support="" assertions="" made="" about="" the="" case="" being="" critiqued="" refer="" to="" the="" required="" readings="" provided="" in="" the="" unit="" outline="" program="" calendar.="" students="" are="" strongly="" advised="" to="" refer="" to="" a="" minimum="" of="" five="" relevant="" and="" credible="" sources.="" extension="" reading="" information="" is="" provided="" in="" blackboard. in="" particular,="" refer="" to="" the="" hosie,="" forsyth="" and="" baird="" (2016)="" paper="" on="" researching="" and="" writing="" a="" video="" business="" case="" report="" assignments="" should="" address="" the="" video="" business="" case="" report="" assessment="" rubric="" students="" are="" strongly="" advised="" to="" read="" the="" relevant="" assessment="" rubric="" closely="" before="" undertaking="" this="" assignment.="" suggested="" headings="" for="" video="" business="" case="" report="" executive="" summary=""><300 words="" required)="" a)="" issues="" provide="" a="" brief="" introduction="" that="" summarises="" the="" main="" issues="" of="" the="" case.="" b)="" causes="" identify="" the="" importance="" of="" the="" causes="" to="" the="" organisation="" concerned.="" c)="" alternatives="" develop="" a="" set="" of="" realistic="" alternatives="" to="" address="" the="" issues="" and="" causes="" identified.="" d)="" decision="" criteria="" develop="" a="" set="" of="" decision="" criteria="" to="" choose="" from="" the="" alternative="" courses="" of="" action.="" e)="" recommended="" solution/s="" decide="" on="" solution/s="" to="" the="" issues="" derived="" from="" the="" alternatives.="" for="" each="" competing="" alternative,="" justify="" why="" different="" solution/s="" were="" chosen="" or="" rejected.="" a="" preferred="" solution/s="" needs="" to="" be="" indicated.="" f)="" implementation="" and="" implications="" provide="" realistic="" suggestions="" on="" how="" these="" solution/s="" could="" be="" implemented="" in="" the="" organisation="" concerned="" within="" the="" industry="" context="" being="" scrutinised.="" include="" the="" managerial="" and="" financial="" implications="" for="" adopting="" the="" preferred="" solution/s.="" tips="" ·="" do="" not="" waste="" the="" word="" count="" on="" an="" introduction="" or="" conclusion.="" ·="" an executive="" summary must="" be="" placed="" after="" the="" cover="" page,="" but="" before="" the issue (and="" table="" of="" contents="" if="" you="" choose="" to="" have="" one).="" it="" should summarise the="" entire="" report,="" and="" be="" written="" last.="" ·="" the issue(s) and="" the cause(s) are="" given="" in="" the="" video="" business="" interview="" segments.="" it="" is="" suggested="" you="" also="" research="" around="" the issue(s) and/or cause(s).="" ·="" the="" number="" of issues you="" provide="" (1="" or="" more)="" is="" the="" number="" of="" problems="" you="" must="" solve.="" only="" having="" one issue is="" fine.="" ·="" it="" is="" suggested="" 3="" or="" 4="" good,="" realistic alternatives are="" provided.="" 5="" is="" possible,="" but="" it="" may="" reduce="" your="" word="" count="" too="" much.="" ·="" decision="" criteria can="" be="" given="" in="" a="" table="" format.="" ·="" ethical considerations="" should="" be="" built="" into="" the="" report;="" they="" are="" usually="" most="" suitable="" in="" the decision="" criteria, solution and implementation="" and="" implications.="" ·="" ethical considerations="" are="" not="" a="" question="" of="" a="" simple="" right="" or="" wrong.="" a="" thorough ethical consideration="" will="" state="" an="" issue="" for="" which="" there="" is="" no="" right="" or="" wrong="" answer="" and="" therefore="" represents="" a="" dilemma="" to="" a="" course="" of="" action.="" ·="" appendices are="" meant="" to="" be="" 'extra'="" information="" that="" does="" not="" have="" to="" be="" read="" to="" understand="" the="" report;="" any="" critical="" information="" necessary="" to="" understand="" the="" report shouldn't="" be="" in="" the appendices.="" appendices="" will="" not="" earn="" marks.="" ·="" through="" your="" research="" you="" may="" find="" that="" the issue has="" occurred="" in="" the="" past,="" and="" the="" company="" has="" a="" solution="" -="" this="" does="" not="" matter="" in="" the="" context="" of="" the="" vbcr,="" as="" you="" are="" writing="" as="" if="" the issue is="" happening="" now.="" ·="" remember,="" you="" are="" a="" consultant="" working="" for="" the="" company="" -="" if="" you="" suggest="" they="" hire="" a="" consultant/mediator="" to="" solve="" the="" issue,="" it="" will="" look="" rather="" strange="" one="" consultant="" suggesting="" they="" need="" to="" hire="" another="" consultant!="" ·="" an executive="" summary is="" a="" précis="" or="" an outline="" of="" the="" entire="" report.="" it="" serves="" two="" basic="" purposes.="" first,="" it="" provides="" essential="" information="" for="" those="" who="" might="" not="" have="" the="" time="" or="" inclination="" to="" wade="" through="" the="" entire="" document.="" thus="" the="" executive="" summary,="" like="" a="" headline="" in="" a="" press="" advertisement,="" plays="" an="" essential="" role="" in="" attracting="" the="" interest="" of="" the="" reader="" –="" enough,="" it="" is="" hoped,="" to="" encourage="" the="" reader="" to="" want="" to="" delve="" further="" into="" the="" full="" body="" of="" the="" report.="" second,="" it="" emphasises,="" to="" those="" who="" have="" read="" it,="" the="" most="" essential="" points="" that="" need="" to="" be="" remembered="" or="" revisited="" for="" further="" scrutiny.="" ·="" care="" must="" be="" taken="" to="" ensure="" the="" executive="" summary="" is="" a short,="" sharp="" snapshot of="" the="" entire="" report.="" it="" can="" only="" be="" written="" at="" the="" conclusion="" of="" the="" report-writing="" process,="" although="" it="" is presented="" at="" the="" beginning,="" not="" at="" the="" end,="" of="" the="" document.="" the="" writing="" of="" the="" executive="" summary="" is="" not="" an="" easy="" task,="" as="" it="" requires="" considerable="" discipline="" to="" condense="" a="" large="" body="" of="" information="" into="" what="" should="" ideally="" be="" no="" more="" than="" one="" or="" two="" pages="" –="" or="" around="" 250-300="" words="" maximum.="" ·="" an="" important="" principle="" to="" bear="" in="" mind="" is="" that="" the="" executive="" summary="" must not contain="" any="" material="" that="" is not="" in="" the="" main="" body="" of="" the="" report.="" it="" should="" also="" follow="" the="" structure="" of="" the="" full="" report.="" in="" writing="" an="" executive="" summary,="" it="" is="" often="" found="" that="" some="" important="" information="" has="" been="" overlooked="" in="" the="" main="" report="" or="" an="" important="" point="" has="" been="" insufficiently="" emphasised="" or="" presented="" in="" some="" illogical="" manner.="" where="" this="" occurs,="" the="" report="" should="" be="" revised.="" ·="" the decision="" criteria in="" a="" business="" setting="" are="" those="" variables="" or characteristics="" that="" are="" important="" to="" the="" organization="" making="" the="" decision.="" they="" should="" help="" evaluate="" the="" alternatives="" from="" which="" you="" are="" choosing.="" i="" use="" the="" word="" “variables”="" because="" you="" can="" disregard="" any="" characteristics="" that="" are="" constant="" among="" the="" alternatives.="" for="" example,="" if="" all="" of="" the="" cars="" i="" am="" evaluating="" get="" the="" same="" fuel="" mileage,="" then="" disregard="" that="" characteristic="" as="" it="" will="" not="" help="" you="" choose="" between="" the="" alternatives.="" ·="" the="" decision="" criteria="" should="" be measurable and="" should="" be within="" scope of="" the="" problem="" you="" are="" trying="" to="" solve.="" on="" criteria="" that="" seem="" immeasurable,="" you="" should="" at="" least="" be="" able="" to="" compare="" one="" to="" another.="" for="" example,="" the="" typical="" software="" characteristic="" “user="" friendly”="" is="" not="" measurable="" as="" stated.="" you="" could="" either list="" out what="" makes="" the="" application="" user="" friendly="" for="" your="" organization="" or="" you="" can="" try="" out="" the="" applications="" and="" have="" a rankings for="" the="" alternatives="" on="" relative="" “user="" friendliness”="" between="" them.="" ·="" this="" assignment="" challenges="" students="" to="" formulate="" a="" professional="" response="" to="" in="" -="" depth="" issues="" contained="" in="" a="" real="" life="" video="" business="" case.="" students="" are="" encouraged="" to="" review="" the="" background="" video="" segments="" for="" the="" video="" business="" case="" selected="" for="" analysis.="" students="" will="" act="" as="" an="" independent="" professional="" business="" consultant="" reporting="" to="" senior="" managers="" of="" the="" company="" concerned.="" students="" are="" expected="" to="" provide="" informed="" and="" robust="" advice="" to="" this="" business="" client.="" a="" sophisticated="" understanding="" of="" the="" critical="" aspects="" of="" this="" video="" business="" case="" needs="" to="" be="" demonstrated.="" a="" succinct="" and="" high="" impact="" report="" is="" expected.="" the="" report="" is="" expected="" to="" be=""><2,000 words,="" including="" an="" executive="" summary=""><300 words)="" but="" excluding="" references.="" introduction,="" table="" of="" contents="" and="" appendices="" are="" not="" required="" and="" will="" not="" be="" marked.="" to="" support="" assertions="" made="" about="" the="" case="" being="" critiqued="" refer="" to="" the="" required="" readings="" provided="" in="" the="" unit="" outline="" program="" calendar.="" students="" are="" strongly="" advised="" to="" refer="" to="" a="" minimum="" o="" f="" five="" relevant="" and="" credible="" sources.="" extension="" reading="" information="" is="" provided="" in="" blackboard.="" in="" particular,="" refer="" to="" the="" hosie,="" forsyth="" and="" baird="" (2016)="" paper="" on="" researching="" and="" writing="" a="" video="" business="" case="" report="" assignments="" should="" address="" the="" video="" business="" case="" report="" assessment="" rubric="" students="" are="" strongly="" advised="" to="" read="" the="" relevant="" assessment="" rubric="" closely="" before="" undertaking="" this="" assignment.="" suggested="" headings="" for="" video="" business="" case="" report="" executive="" summary=""><300 words="" required)="" a="" £©="" issue="" s="" p="" rovide="" a="" brief="" introduction="" that="" summarises="" the="" main="" issues="" of="" the="" case.="" b)="" causes="" identify="" the="" importance="" of="" the="" causes="" to="" the="" organisation="" concerned.="" c)="" alternatives="" develop="" a="" set="" of="" realistic="" alternatives="" to="" a="" ddress="" the="" issues="" and="" causes="" identified.="" d)="" decision="" criteria="" develop="" a="" set="" of="" decision="" criteria="" to="" choose="" from="" the="" alternative="" courses="" of="" action.="" e)="" recommended="" solution/s="" decide="" on="" solution/s="" to="" the="" issues="" derived="" from="" the="" alternatives.="" for="" each="" competin="" g="" alternative,="" justify="" why="" different="" solution/s="" were="" chosen="" or="" rejected.="" a="" preferred="" solution/s="" needs="" to="" be="" indicated.="" f)="" implementation="" and="" implications="" this="" assignment="" challenges="" students="" to="" formulate="" a="" professional="" response="" to="" in-depth="" issues="" contained="" in="" a="" real="" life="" video="" business="" case.="" students="" are="" encouraged="" to="" review="" the="" background="" video="" segments="" for="" the="" video="" business="" case="" selected="" for="" analysis.="" students="" will="" act="" as="" an="" independent="" professional="" business="" consultant="" reporting="" to="" senior="" managers="" of="" the="" company="" concerned.="" students="" are="" expected="" to="" provide="" informed="" and="" robust="" advice="" to="" this="" business="" client.="" a="" sophisticated="" understanding="" of="" the="" critical="" aspects="" of="" this="" video="" business="" case="" needs="" to="" be="" demonstrated.="" a="" succinct="" and="" high="" impact="" report="" is="" expected.="" the="" report="" is="" expected="" to="" be=""><2,000 words,="" including="" an="" executive="" summary=""><300 words)="" but="" excluding="" references.="" introduction,="" table="" of="" contents="" and="" appendices="" are="" not="" required="" and="" will="" not="" be="" marked.="" to="" support="" assertions="" made="" about="" the="" case="" being="" critiqued="" refer="" to="" the="" required="" readings="" provided="" in="" the="" unit="" outline="" program="" calendar.="" students="" are="" strongly="" advised="" to="" refer="" to="" a="" minimum="" of="" five="" relevant="" and="" credible="" sources.="" extension="" reading="" information="" is="" provided="" in="" blackboard.="" in="" particular,="" refer="" to="" the="" hosie,="" forsyth="" and="" baird="" (2016)="" paper="" on="" researching="" and="" writing="" a="" video="" business="" case="" report="" assignments="" should="" address="" the="" video="" business="" case="" report="" assessment="" rubric="" students="" are="" strongly="" advised="" to="" read="" the="" relevant="" assessment="" rubric="" closely="" before="" undertaking="" this="" assignment.="" suggested="" headings="" for="" video="" business="" case="" report="" executive="" summary=""><300 words required) a)issues provide a brief introduction that summarises the main issues of the case. b) causes identify the importance of the causes to the organisation concerned. c) alternatives develop a set of realistic alternatives to address the issues and causes identified. d) decision criteria develop a set of decision criteria to choose from the alternative courses of action. e) recommended solution/s decide on solution/s to the issues derived from the alternatives. for each competing alternative, justify why different solution/s were chosen or rejected. a preferred solution/s needs to be indicated. f) implementation and implications 1 analysing multimedia business cases conor vibert phd january 2013 2 introduction about cases teaching cases are used for instructional purposes at business schools around words="" required)="" a)issues="" provide="" a="" brief="" introduction="" that="" summarises="" the="" main="" issues="" of="" the="" case.="" b)="" causes="" identify="" the="" importance="" of="" the="" causes="" to="" the="" organisation="" concerned.="" c)="" alternatives="" develop="" a="" set="" of="" realistic="" alternatives="" to="" address="" the="" issues="" and="" causes="" identified.="" d)="" decision="" criteria="" develop="" a="" set="" of="" decision="" criteria="" to="" choose="" from="" the="" alternative="" courses="" of="" action.="" e)="" recommended="" solution/s="" decide="" on="" solution/s="" to="" the="" issues="" derived="" from="" the="" alternatives.="" for="" each="" competing="" alternative,="" justify="" why="" different="" solution/s="" were="" chosen="" or="" rejected.="" a="" preferred="" solution/s="" needs="" to="" be="" indicated.="" f)="" implementation="" and="" implications="" 1="" analysing="" multimedia="" business="" cases="" conor="" vibert="" phd="" january="" 2013="" 2="" introduction="" about="" cases="" teaching="" cases="" are="" used="" for="" instructional="" purposes="" at="" business="" schools="">
Answered Same DaySep 26, 2020

Answer To: This assignment challenges students to formulate a professional response to in-depth issues...

Preeta answered on Oct 05 2020
119 Votes
    This is a report on the video of a business case report. A video was provided for this report. That video was watched and has been thoroughly analyzed to understand the case and its problems cause of those problems to draw conclusions. The format has been followed relevant to a case study. Analyzing the issues
, attempt has been made to find the solutions for that kind of problems after analyzing the business model, strategies, organizational structures and other relevant information about the business.
At first the issues have been identified from the case that is what the problems were actually. Then the causes which gave rise to the problems have been found out, to understand the origin of the problem and get to the bottom of the issue. Then the alternatives have been discussed that is what would have happened if some different course of action was chosen that is if a different action would have been made the situations might have been different. Then the decision criteria have been discussed that is the important aspects which led to the decisions. Then solutions have been recommended to the problems faced along with the way to implement and implicate that solution.
    In the given video, Sara Salomone, the director of the Fineness consulting is interviewed on her company and about the real life problem she faced. For doing any case study, it is very important to first understand what the issues actually are (Voss, 20101). The actual problems happening are to be identified first. So, for this case study as well, attempt has been made first to analyze the issues well, as stated by Sara Salomone.
The agency was finding work for a candidate who was a project director level with salary about half million. The agency contacted a few companies for him. He cleared a four stages interview process along with Hogan’s Assessment. As per Sara Solomone, the main problem why the candidate was unable to find the job was that the candidate was known to the business and he as well knew the business very well because of his high qualification and experience.
Initially for three to four months he was unable to find anything material. Since the agency was not hearing back from any company regarding the job for the candidate and the client almost made up his mind to leave Perth and go to Sydney, the agency encouraged him to contact an executive director of a company in Brisbane, whom the candidate knew personally for about 20 years. The agency initially applied for the candidate in that company and they advised the candidate to refer the agency to that director while communicating. The candidate went to Brisbane and he was appointed by the company.
But after the whole process of appointment, the invoices of the agency was outstanding for a long time and when they contacted the company, the HR informed that the executive directors of the company was unwilling to pay the full of the due amount to the agency. So, the agency faced the problem in recovering the fees from the company.
    It is very important to analyze the causes for an issue to get to the bottom of the issue (Crowe, 2011). So, here attempt has been made to find exact causes as to why those issues as stated above occurred. As per Sara Salomone, whenever they were unable...

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