This paper is an essay, which will summarize your experiences and your personal development/growth throughout the quarter in this course. Your paper should begin with the original thoughts and...

This paper is an essay, which will summarize your experiences and your personal development/growth throughout the quarter in this course. Your paper should begin with the original thoughts and propositions you asserted about why consumer behavior research is important in marketing. Indicate what aspects of psychology/sociology/anthropology/communication that you believe are most relevant to strategic marketing, as well as how people's individual traits have an impact on how they respond to different types of marketing. (You may look back at your first few discussion posts to remind you of what your initial thoughts and propositions were). Next, discuss any insights you developed about yourself as a consumer (your traits, behaviors, reference groups, core values, subcultures), as you explored the readings, wrote your discussion posts, and engaged with the class throughout the quarter. Explain any direct connections you made to your real life as you prepared your Case Study/Research project and presentation. Finally, propose your own "TOP FIVE" things that marketers need to collect consumer data about in order to strategize how to market to them.
Mar 21, 2021

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