To complete your assessment task, follow the below instructions.To start, ensure you are in a group and have self enrolled in the VUC Groups tool (see instructions above).You will...

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To complete your assessment task, follow the below instructions.

    1. To start, ensure you are in a group and have self enrolled in the VUC Groups tool (see instructions above).

    2. You will create an A3 poster representing 3 theories, each from a different perspective. Your 3 sections will include:

      1. 1 x written summary of the theory in your own words

      2. 3 x other pieces of information that illustrate the key concept of the theory.

    3. Follow these steps (then repeat three times) to determine what will be on your poster:

      1. In your group, select aperspectivefrom: Developmental, Socio-cultural, Socio-Behaviourist, Critical or Post Structuralist perspectives.

      2. Then, select atheorist/theorythat fits within the perspective. Refer to session materials


        ideas on which theorists belong to which perspectives.

      3. Summarise the theory in your own words i.e. if you choose Socio-cultural Theory as the perspective, and Vygotsky as the chosen theorist, provide a brief overview of how Vygotsky is a socio-cultural theorist and introduce the key concepts of his theories e.g. Zone of Proximal Development, Language acquisition.

      4. The 3 other pieces of information might include things like an image, a drawing, a poem, a quote etc. These should be creative ways that all together, provide the reader with an overview of the theory.

    4. Repeat this three times so that you have 3 x theories, represented from a different perspective, each with 1 x written summary and 3 x illustrative pieces of supporting information.

    5. Once you have all your information ready, create an A3 poster.

    6. Your poster must include atleast 3 sourcesincluded asin-text referencing and added toa separate APA reference list.

    7. You can use tools to create it like:

      1. PPT, Canva, Adobe.

      2. Note: This assessment is about creatively and clearly representing the information in the format outlined above, but does not required advanced use of design technology/tools.

    8. After your poster is complete, write a 300 word group reflection after discussion with your partner indicating how one of the theoriesaligns with your values and beliefsabout teaching in ECE,andhow you could apply it in your practiceas a teacher.This is to be submitted along with your poster but on a separate page.

Answered 1 days AfterMay 06, 2024

Answer To: To complete your assessment task, follow the below instructions.To start, ensure you are...

Dilpreet answered on May 07 2024
8 Votes
Developmental Theory of Erik Erikson
Erik Erikson is a well-known psychoanalyst and developmental psychologist and is known for his theory od psychological development. T
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Eight Stages of Developmental Theory of Erik Erikson
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