Word Count: XXXXXXXXXXwords The assessment will require you to research and review the welfare law and its application in practice for one of the following vulnerable client groups: Mental health...

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Word Count: 1500-1700 words

The assessment will require you to research and review the welfare law and its application in practice for
of the following vulnerable client groups:

  • Mental health inpatients requiring protection of their human rights;

  • Children requiring protection from parental abuse;

  • People with a disability requiring protection from discrimination in the workplace;

  • Elderly requiring protection from financial abuse.

    Your essay must include the following:

  • Analysis of the reasons why legal protection is needed;

  • Overview of the relevant principles of welfare law;

  • Critique of the current application of the law.

    Your essay must be based on a review of the literature and should include at least 8 current peer- reviewed (scholarly) journal articles or book chapters. This is in addition to any textbook, websites or other references you use.
    You must use APA 7 Referencing.

Answered 2 days AfterAug 06, 2022

Answer To: Word Count: XXXXXXXXXXwords The assessment will require you to research and review the welfare law...

Pious answered on Aug 08 2022
75 Votes
The truth is that what's within matters more than how you appear on the surface, yet modern culture stru
ggles to grasp this. Different nowadays is not acceptable, and those who are different face prejudice, disdain, and are frequently picked on. The majority of people view persons with disabilities as distinct beings; while they didn't choose to be that way, our culture nonetheless excludes them. There are many various forms of impairments, including learning disabilities, physical disabilities, mental disabilities, and socialization difficulties. Our culture views these impairments as signs of weakness, which feeds the stereotype that results in prejudice against people with disabilities. Humans naturally dislike individuals who vary from the normal. Everybody has a distinct idea of what is normal, and when someone crosses that line, prejudice ensues. Due to their own failings, some individuals also have a tendency to despise the disabled. In an effort to feel better about themselves, they will look down on them. Some people need to locate someone "lower than them" in order to feel superior since their self-esteem is so low. Additionally, society views people with disabilities as worthless, helpless, and ineffective, which feed into the mindset that encourages prejudice against the disabled. Discrimination against the handicapped is also a result of psychological and cultural factors. We may thus draw the conclusion that prejudice towards people with disabilities stems from the fact that they are "different."
    According to the World Health Organization (2011), roughly 15% of people worldwide are disabled. Given the many ways that disability is classified across the world, some would even claim that this is a low estimate. For the sake of consistency, we refer to disability as a complex term with several dimensions and describe it in accordance with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) of the World Health Organization (WHO, 2001). It refers to the detrimental effects of the relationship between an individual (with a health condition) and that individual's contextual circumstances (environmental and personal factors), and is "the umbrella word for impairments, activity limits, and participation restrictions" (WHO, 2011, p.4). In order to emphasize that disability is not the same as the medical idea of body or functional impairment, we talk of persons with disabilities when we acknowledge that people might be impaired by environmental conditions as well as by their bodies.
    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities states that "persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments that, when combined with other factors, may prevent their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others" (UNCRPD, 2006: article 1, purpose). This very broad concept of disability serves as the foundation for many different fields of study. When a person with a handicap is treated less favorably than a person without the impairment in the same or similar circumstances, this is known as direct disability discrimination. A regulation or policy that applies to everyone but has an adverse impact on persons with certain impairment qualifies as...

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