Assessment Task 1 Provide answers to all of the questions below: 1. Explain three different ways that could be used to present ideas to staff in the workplace and at least three factors that you...

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Assessment Task 1

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Explain three different ways that could be used to present ideas to staff in the workplace and at
least three factors that you should consider when choosing the best way of presenting ideas to

2. Assume you have had an idea about implementing a new workplace communication system at
work called
whereby work teams communicate through a single, shared workspace
making communication easier. Also assume that you have overheard your Manager discussing
this system with another colleague recently. However, you know that your team of staff are
unfamiliar with the system.
Explain two different methods you would use to communicate your idea to your Manager and to
your team, explaining how you would take into according to the differing familiarity with the
concept in communicating your idea.

3. Explain why communicating ideas in a personal setting and within the workplace may differ.

4. Your Manager at work constantly blocks your ideas. Explain three reasons for his negative
response to your ideas. Each reason should relate to your Manager’s values, beliefs and

5. Identify five skills and/or attributes that you consider are important for a person to have when
participating in the development of ideas. For each skill or attribute you list, outline why you
consider this skill or attribute to be important.

6. Read the article at the following link and, in your own words, discuss two habits that assist
people to discuss great ideas.

7. Explain how storytelling can assist in communicating ideas.
8. Explain two key storytelling techniques that can be used for communicating ideas.

9. Describe the benefits and risks of the technique of humour in presentations or debates about

10. Describe a benefit and a risk of sharing personal information in a presentation or debate.

11. Describe two techniques that can be used to ensure that information provided during is relevant
to an audience.

Assessment Task 2

Carefully read the following:

Ozwide Dream Clean is a small cleaning business that services both residential and commercial customers. Business is split evenly between residential and commercial customers. The business prides itself on its point of difference of being a high-quality provider of cleaning services. Cost of services are slightly higher than competitors, due to this point of difference. Currently customers call the office by phone to book cleaning services. To date, the business has done little marketing. It has a basic web site that includes three pages: About Us, Services Offered and Contact Details. Luckily, the business has a great reputation, and has a significant number of customers who have mostly come through a referral.
The Managing Director of the business wishes to grow the business through a number of strategies, with
one of them being to increase marketing communications. As the newly appointed Marketing Officer, you
have been tasked with coming up with suitable creative and innovative ideas for marketing communication and to present these ideas using innovative communication approaches at a formal presentation to senior management and a potential investor. At this stage, the Managing Director has advised that you should come up with as many ideas as possible, which are to be further analysed for suitability. He wants you to be as creative as possible in coming up with ideas. As the group of people to whom you will be presenting your ideas are familiar with the business services, but are assumed to be unfamiliar with marketing communication methods, you need to consider how to best provide this information to the group, as well as how you can best provoke response and reaction from the

Complete the following tasks.

1. Analyse and report on information for communication to others.

You are required to conduct research in order to distil the key themes, messages and positions
for the presentation you are required to give about marketing communication.

You should therefore identify sources of information (at least three) about marketing
communication and conduct research on the importance of marketing communication, as well as
identifying creative and innovative marketing communication options available to Ozwide Dream

Critically review at least three possible creative and innovative marketing communication options
for the company, including evidence to back up the effectiveness of the options you identify, for
example, statistics or industry support.

Think about the key messages that you wish to provide to the management team and investor at
the meeting where you will present your ideas, including the importance of marketing
communications, your critical analysis of the creative and innovative marketing communication
options you have identified, including information/statistics to back this up, as well as reasons
why the ideas you recommend should be supported.
You should also research and analyse creative techniques that you can use to present this
information to a group that is unfamiliar with marketing communication and in order to provoke
interest in your presentation, as well as reaction through the audience getting involved in
discussion about marketing communication ideas.

As part of this, reflect on the enabling skills and attributes of individuals who can effectively
participate in discussions about ideas. Identify at least two skills and attributes and explain how
you can enable these skills and attributes to maximise participation in your discussion.
When you have completed your research, develop a short report for your assessor that includes
the following information:

· Details of the information sources for marketing communication methods you used.

· The importance of marketing communication.

· Details of at least three creative and innovative ideas of marketing communication options
for Ozwide Dream Clean including the effectiveness of each of the marketing
communication options and reasons why all or any of the options should be supported.

· Supporting evidence: facts to support the effectiveness of the marketing communications
ideas you are recommending.

· Your ideas for presenting information to a group that is unfamiliar with marketing concepts,
reflecting on at least three options that could be used to present the information to this
specific group.

· Your ideas for at least three different techniques to engage and fascinate your audience
with your ideas.

· Identification of at least two skills and attributes and an explanation of how you can enable
these skills and attributes to maximise participation in your discussion.

· A summary of the key themes, messages and positions that you will present.
Your report should be written in clear and concise English and address all of the above points.
Use the Briefing Report Template to guide your work.
Your briefing report should be about two pages.

2. Create a presentation

You are now required to prepare your presentation, which should include the following:

· Use at least one story in your presentation as a technique for describing the idea.

· Use at least one form of multimedia in your presentation to get your ideas across, for
example, music, a video, photographs.

· Either share personal information or use humour to illustrate your ideas.

· Use hard facts to support your ideas: information on the effectiveness of the marketing
communications methods you are suggesting for the business.
The conditions above are designed to ensure that you deliver a presentation that will provoke
response and reaction from participants. This will be evidenced by the way that the meeting

· Look at your presentation for its duration

· Answer any questions that you ask

· Ask questions of you

· Volunteer suggestions to contribute to your idea

· Laugh (or at least smile) at any humour that you use.

You will be assessed on your ability to get the presentation audience to participate in this way.
You will have only 10 minutes to get your ideas across.

Plan and practice your presentation

3. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments, and ask them for the date,
place and time of your presentation.
Attach your briefing report and presentation to the email.

4. Conduct your presentation

Present your ideas at the meeting with the Managing Director and investor. Your assessor will
roleplay the Managing Director, and another student will play the role of the investor.
Keep in mind that the objective of this assessment task is to give you the opportunity to
demonstrate your ability to articulate, present and discuss your ideas.
The contents of your presentation, and they manner in which you present it, should demonstrate
innovation, creativity and critical thinking.
So, part of your task is to capture the attention and the imagination of the audience. Speak to
the audience directly while you are presenting. Ask them for their input, and discuss this with
them. Be prepared to take the discussion along any tangents that the audience proposes.
After your presentation, you must provide the opportunity for questions and discussions. When
asked questions, you must provide your response confidently and with facts or relevant
information to support your response.
The Managing Director and investor will discuss your ideas, as well as their own, and you will
need to show, through using active listening and appropriate non-verbal communication skills,
that you are open to discussion about ideas.
During the presentation, demonstrate effective communication skills including:
· Speaking clearly and concisely
· Speaking clearly and concisely
· Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
· Asking questions to identify required information
· Responding to questions as required
· Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

5. Develop a blog

The final part of this assessment requires you to prepare a blog based on the ideas that you
have developed. You should also include the input from the meeting, refining of your ideas, and
generating new ideas.
The objective of the blog is to show that you can express your ideas in writing, as well as
verbally. It will also be a record of the ideas and discussions generated during the presentation.
This blog will be uploaded to the staff intranet for input by all staff. The blog should feature the
ideas that seem to be most appropriate for the business and include facts to support the
effectiveness of the marketing communication option. It should also identify those ideas that
were most liked by the group and encourage all staff to give their ideas.
The blog should be presented in a way that is easy to understand and could use images to
assist with the information presented.
The blog should be approximately one page and be written in clear and concise English.

6. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.
Attach your blog

Answered Same DayMar 04, 2021

Answer To: Assessment Task 1 Provide answers to all of the questions below: 1. Explain three different ways...

Olivia answered on Mar 05 2021
132 Votes
Assessment Task 1: Business Communication
1. The three different ways that could be used to present ideas to staff in the workplace are:
· Establishing open meetings between the members of the team. This has been widely regarded as one of the best methods of communication as it allows the members to openly communicate about their passions and their problems building a better atmosphere of understanding.
· One is to One conversations should be the next choice that allows each member to effectively communicate
and understand the team objectives.
· Using presentations or any visual art as a form of communication which helps the staff to understand the objectives well.
The three factors that one should consider when choosing the best way of presenting ideas to staff are:
· Knowing the audience.
· The need to get immediate feedback or not from the audience
· The need to keep the information as a written documentation (Dwyer and Boyd, 2013).
2. The two different methods you would use to communicate your idea to your Manager and to your team are:
· Emailing the manager
· One is to one communication with the manager explaining that the Slack system that is being implemented are not known to the members.
· Meetings with the team members to generate an idea and get their feedback about their thoughts and ideas of the Slack system
· Personal communication to know individual querries or problems related to each member (Guffey and Loewy, 2012)
3. There is a contrast between communicating ideas in a personal setting and within the workplace. This is because when one is communicating his ideas in a more personal environment he knows the audience very well and has the freedom to be more informal in explaining his ideas. This differs from communication methods in the workplace that effects the general objective of the team. A person must be careful not to let the differences come in between the members and also to be patient while hearing their feedback and criticisms. All these factors do not play an important role while communicating in a more personal setting (Courtland, Thill, and Raina, 2016).
4. The three reasons for which the Manager can disagree with any ideas put forward by me are:
· The manager micromanages his work environment. This is his personal attribute that cannot be changed.
· The manager feels that the ideas will radically change the work environment, contradicting the values that he has built the team with.
· The manager feels that the ideas are likely to fail or will not yield the success the company is looking for (Kaczmarek and Locker, 2012).
5. The five skills and/or attributes that are important for a person to have when participating in the development of ideas:
· Transferrable skills: The ability to use past experience and using them in recent work projects.
· The drive to get results: This is one of the key attributes because no matter how good your ideas are you must be able to deliver the results and meet the company objectives.
· Communication skills: Effective communication skills help the members to learn about the objectives.
· Interpersonal skills that must be used to build an effective team and build morale, trust and loyalty within the work force (Kaczmarek and Locker, 2012).
· Project management skills: Assigning and identifying the strength and weaknesses of the project as well as each member of the team (Courtland, Thill, and Raina, 2016).
6. The two habits that assist people to discuss great ideas are:
· Starting from scratch: Great ideas are often innovative and come from scratch. Great innovators bank on building their ideas and not just improving on an existing one.
· Being open to taking risks: As they say, without taking proper risks you cannot achieve something great. This strategy can be employed in accepting new ideas that may seem very outrageous or unlikely to succeed. Yet, many great entrepreneurs have succeeded only by taking risks of failure (Kaczmarek and Locker, 2012).
7. Nowadays storytelling is widespread used as a method of communication that can assist in communicating ideas in a workplace. The main reason for the widely acceptance of storytelling is that, researchers believe it activates a neural cognitive part of the brain that can help stimulate the cortex in forming new ideas. Storytelling is a much more engaging and inclusive method than the direct formal methods of communication. It is based on a more conversational approach causing an evolution in the workplace. It creates a mirroring effect in the brain that helps with the neural coupling causing listeners to more effective relate to the ideas. The release of neurotransmitter dopamine is attributed as the feel good hormone that is released upon storytelling from the hypothalamus making this approach much more effective than reading out passive data (Forman, 2013).
8. The two key storytelling techniques that can be used for communicating ideas are:
· Using personal experience within the story: This will help in focusing the audience into the points and ideas that the person are trying to make. The audience will be able to relate to them better making the...

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