Hi, can you let me know if you can do this assignment for me? It is a slides assignment and it is not a word counts assignment. Because after having slides and I need to present it in the class to my...

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Hi, can you let me know if you can do this assignment for me? It is a slides assignment and it is not a word counts assignment. Because after having slides and I need to present it in the class to my tutor.

Answered 5 days AfterJan 02, 2024James Cook University

Answer To: Hi, can you let me know if you can do this assignment for me? It is a slides assignment and it is...

Shubham answered on Jan 07 2024
18 Votes
Business Information: It provides overview of eco-friendly cleaning products of Tirtyl.
Value Chain Map: Mapping sustainable practices of Tirtyl in production and distribution.
Justification and Analysis of SDG Mappin
g: It includes examining impact of company on key Sustainable Development Goals.
Recommendations: Providing actionable suggestions to enhance Tirtyl's positive contributions to SDGs.
Business Information
Brief Description: Tirtyl was founded in 2021 for sustainable cleaning solutions. It offers water-soluble cleaning tablets for reducing plastic waste.
Product/Service: Water-soluble cleaning tablets for eco-friendly cleaning solutions.
Industry: Cleaning and household products with focus on sustainability.
Core Values: Environmental responsibility, innovation and reducing ecological impact.
Value Chain Map
Raw Materials
Inbound Logistics
Attracting Customers
Company Operations
Product/ Service Delivery
Innovating the Service
Value Chain Map (Contd..)
Sourcing & Production: SDG 12 describes about Tirtyl partners with local, sustainable farms and employs eco-friendly practices that minimizing waste and maximizing resource efficiency.
Manufacturing & Packaging: Tirtyl utilizes renewable energy sources in production facilities and sources recycled materials for packaging for reducing carbon footprint.
Distribution & Retail: Fair wages and safe working conditions are guaranteed throughout supply chain for empowering communities and promoting ethical trade (Caldera, Desha & Dawes, 2018).
Consumer Use & End-of-Life: It provides durable, reusable products and responsible end-of-life programs like upcycling initiatives minimize waste and extend product lifespan for contributing to circular economy.
Justification and Analysis (SDG Mapping)
SDG 12: it is mapped at sourcing & production due to commitment of Tirtyl to local, sustainable farms and minimizing waste through resource-efficient practices.
SDG 7: It includes manufacturing & packaging due to investment of Tirtyl in renewable energy sources and recycled materials for packaging. This reduces reliance on fossil fuels and promotes circularity (Spaaij, 2019).
SDG 8: It describes about distribution & retail due to commitment of Tirtyl to fair wages and safe working conditions throughout the supply chain describing about communities and ensuring ethical trade practices.
SDG 13: It highlights consumer use & end-of-life due to...

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