Task Summary Critically read and interpret both the Project Management Lifecycle and the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK). Engage with other students by posting an initial 600-word...

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Task Summary Critically read and interpret both the Project
Management Lifecycle and the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK).

Engage with other students by posting an initial 600-word
discussion forum post and a 200-word critique that details your response to the
question below (or the set question). Context The Project Management Lifecycle
(PML) is an important component of project management methodology.

It incorporates several areas of knowledge from the Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), and it affects and interacts with the
application of PMBoK in a project. Different stages of the PML may require
focusing on different areas of the PMBoK, and project managers need to assess
the PML for their project in order to identify possible risks, plans for
resourcing, and to commence communicating with stakeholders.

This assessment requires that you answer the following
question: “During which project management lifecycle stage(s) do you believe a
project management methodology is most impactful, and how do we ensure
alignment between the lifecycle of the project and the implementation of a
project management methodology?”

To answer this question, you will need to: (a) Post a
600-word (+/- 10%) response to this question, based on your informed opinion and
demonstrated knowledge of project management concepts, project lifecycles, and
PMBoK, to the Discussion Forum on the Learning Portal.

(b) Respond to
another student’s post by critiquing their opinion and comparing it with yours
in 200 words (+/-10%).

Instructions 1. Read
about the PMBoK and the Project Management Lifecycle to familiarise yourself
with their fundamental concepts. Critically reflect on your readings to form an
opinion of both and how they interact together.

Write a 600-word
opinion piece responding to the set question. Be sure to cite any source
material, including learning resources or other academic or industry literature
you research, used to inform your opinion. The word count does not include the
reference list.

2. Read another student’s post. Think about their opinion
and try to compare and contrast it with your own. This approach will allow you
to “critique” their view. You can do this by highlighting the aspects you agree
with and those you disagree within their post. You need to justify and explain
your critique of their opinion. In your response, you will need to refer to
industry and academic literature. Your response will need to be 200 words. The
word count does not include the reference list. Referencing It is essential
that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please
see more information on referencing here:

Submission Instructions Submit this task via the Assessment 1 link in the main
navigation menu in PROJ6000 – Principles of Project Management.

The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade
Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades. Academic
Integrity Declaration I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work
I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work.

I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia
Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at:
http://www.torrens.edu.au/policies-and-forms I am aware that I need to keep a
copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.

Answered 5 days AfterSep 22, 2022

Answer To: Task Summary Critically read and interpret both the Project Management Lifecycle and the Project...

Shubham answered on Sep 27 2022
62 Votes
PROJECT MANAGEMENT                                    7
Table of Contents
Response    3
Critique    5
References    7
Project ma
nagement methodology is a guidance which helps the managers to chose a certain way to go ahead in a project and complete it in a systematic manner. There are different methodologies which can be used to deliver a project. These involve different processes, principles, frameworks, standards and structures (Bjorvatn & Wald, 2018).
Project management lifecycle helps in managing the portfolio of projects since projects move through different phases in their lifetime viz:
Initiation: This stage is useful as the project kick off in this stage as the commitment of client and team is aligned. At this stage all the necessary information is collected and kept at one place so that project scope, cost involved and resources required can be defined.
Planning: Once the approval is received the work is defined by the managers and a roadmap is created to make it clear that how the goals will be achieved. They are evaluated under 3P lens: pervasive, possible and passionate.
Execution: During execution phase resources began to act together so that projects moves as per planning and it can be made ready within deadline for the delivery.
Project monitoring and controlling: Project is evaluated and the its performance report is generated with a view to control activities which are deviating it from its goal (Richardson & Jackson, 2018)
Closure: Finally the project comes to an end and the strengths and weaknesses of the project are discussed so that a future direction can be prepared for potential projects. Teams can be guided on improvement areas and the success is celebrated.
The project management lifecycle is...

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